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Thread: please guys i need u now more then ever :-(

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Unhappy please guys i need u now more then ever :-(

    Dear all,

    I am sorry i am posting another post related to dizziness, i know there are a lot of posts about it, but i am feeling so desperate and afraid, i feel like something terrible is finally happening to me!!! I am so sorry the post is longer, but please still read it, i'll try my best to say everything in as little as possible
    I just don't know what is going on, i am not sure what is happening to me and i just can't cope anymore.
    For couple of weeks now i have been feeling all different forms of dizziness, ever since i woke up one morning feeling dizzy, like my head is pulling me down. It scared me so much like it always does, cause i felt that feeling before. Since then i've been feeling lightheaded, floaty, like i will faint, or i would feel i can't balance, unsteady, like i will fall over if i stand or walk, or like i lose all orientation and have to hold on to things, even if i am sitting down at the time, it feels horrible. I have noticed i have been tensing myself ever isince, since i wake up scared of the feeling, my legs are tense when i stand trying to keep myself from falling over, i also feel like i might be tensing my neck and scalp and face maybe trying to keep them rigid so i don't get dizzy, i am not sure about that, but i feel they r definitely not relaxed.
    Yesterday i was having some kind of shooting ache in the back of my head, close to where the scull starts from the neck up to the side of the ear. It would be intense for a second or so and stop. I was so scared cause i was also feeling off balance and lightheaded.
    And then just before going to bed, much later, i suddenly started feeling very dizzy, if i would move to get out of the sofa, or even just sitting there unless i am promped onto something, i was never so certain that if i do try to get up i will definitely fall on the floor, for sure, i couldn't possiby orientate my way around, i had to ask my bf to hold me tight and take me to bed, and while walking i was sure if he let go i am gonna fall over to whatever side. I have never felt so scared in my life. I had to get up soon after going to bad (i am so sorry about too much detail!!!! ) to go to the loo and there was no way i would have been able to get out of that bed any other way but crawling if he wasn't there, i had to hold on to him at all times til going back, i would even fall from the loo!!!! I was even shivering with every muscle of my body for a while...
    Today i woke up and hardly dragged myself out of bed after couple of hours of just staring at the wall terrified... There are sore places at the back where neck meets scull, more sore on the side i had sore pains, and the soreness goes up around the top and front of my ear towards the temple... I still have difficulty relaxing the back of my neck cause i am so so scared... I feel tension all over, even something pressing me down from the top. I just don't know what to do and can't believe anyone could have possibly felt dizziness this bad,especially with it just being anxiety. i am sitting here rigid on the sofa afraid to even move my eyes too much... thinking should i call the doctor or what. i have been to see the doc about this since it started, it was always nothing, my pregnancy and it's normal, since the bp was ok at the time and my blood tests are fine. Last time i saw the doc couple of days ago, again since all was fine he said his wife was dizzy a lot when pg too. I had a feeling of pressure in my ear the night before which was scary , like all the hearing shifted to the other side and it lasted a bit longer than it usually does when i sometimes get it. So i wanted to see if this could have anything to do with my dizziness, he said i had wax in both ears but that that can't make me dizzy...
    I am so scared of this that i freeze to my core, stopping my breathe everytime i feel it possibly get as bad as last night.
    I am so grateful to anyone who got to the end of my post, i know it is very long with probably too much detail but i have no where else to turn to and i need your help guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: please guys i need u now more then ever :-(

    Hi Millie

    Never been pregnant (male) but i can relate to ALL your symptoms the dizzynes even when sitting, the waking up tense, i even felt dizzy if i moved only my eyes, really scary feeling, sounds like you really need to relax, try a relaxation cd with some headphones on and take some time out, its the only thing that works for me.

    best of luck x x
    yesterday is in the past.... Tomorrow is in the future... Today is a gift, thats why they call it the present x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: please guys i need u now more then ever :-(

    Hi Millie

    I can totally relate to your dizziness, i have suffered this since the end of June and it can be really frightening i have been to GP's several times and they have put it down to anxiety/depression, i have now started on 20mg citalopram and at first it got worse but i am now on day 14 and it seems to be getting slowly better, good luck, take care and most importantly try and relax (i know its easier said than done) xxx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: please guys i need u now more then ever :-(

    oh millie

    i can almost hear the tension in every word you type. Being pg can make you dizzy at the best of times, something to do with hormones and more blood flowing through your body. Mix pg and anx and no meds and i'm sure it would seem horrifc.

    I would love to assure you that you are human just like the rest of us and that we all know in our own ways what you are going through, but i know you will read this and think that you are somehow different. Thats what i do.

    I have the really bad dizziness when my hormones are doing their monthly change round. I can lay in bed and feel like i'm gonna fall out and the room spins almost like when you have too much to drink. I dont drink with my meds so i know it not that then i get scared and get all sorts of pains in my neck and the back of my head. I have now started to test it. When i feel dizzy i stand up and wish myself to fall over, but i dont!

    I know its hard but try saying to your anx that you are going to test it and let it do its worst, which is nothing because you are stronger than it and you will beat it

    x nikki

  5. #5
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    Feb 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: please guys i need u now more then ever :-(

    I cannot thank you enough for just reading this... i just feel like this will never end. last night i felt like i am going to die or something. yeah, it feels like when you are really drunk, though i don't think i ever was, i haven't had a drink ever since my anxiety started about 10 years ago lol But i imagine seeing drunk people stumbling around falling over that it must feel like that lol plus it can get hard to focus my eyes on anything, so the feeling of disorientation feels really similar to when u feel like ur mind is blacking out in a way, not quite i guess.
    My bf was asking me last night what am i gonna do when the baby comes and he's not around and i feel like this, can't even stand up... like he's blaming me... felt horrible when i wasn't even sure what is going on with me, if it is anxiety or something else...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: please guys i need u now more then ever :-(

    Hi millie

    Sounds to me like your bf is very understanding. Maybe he was trying to make you see that you can be strong. Making you look to the future. I personally hate it when people do that. I feel like they dont understand and that they are mad with me. They maybe dont understand cos i dont think you can unless you have been through it, but they are not mad they are just trying to find a way to cope with our feelings themselves.

    When your baby comes along you will feel this amazing love and nothing will stop you being reliable for your child, even if every now and then you have to take time out for your self.

    I can relate to so much you are feeling but my daughter is now 7 years old and i have been where you are so i can say with my hand on my heart that you will get stronger.

    i believe in you millie.

    Take care

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: please guys i need u now more then ever :-(

    i have had something simulari felt as if i was walking on a boat, it was very scary but i learnt to relise it was my anxiety and tried to get on the best i could and kept telling myself it was only my anxiety making me feel like this and that it cant actually hurt me and it soon got better after a couple of weeks also distraction is a big key try and relax! anxiety can make you hypersensitive to thing makes you observe things in a different way make think seem brighter our unusual again it cant hurt you x x

  8. #8

    Re: please guys i need u now more then ever :-(

    I had to reply to this as it sounds so familiar!

    My sister in law has battled dizzyness and panic attacks for 2 and a half years now. She has been told everything from anxiety to vertigo to depression.

    She finally had a diagnosis last week at the dizzy clinic (there really is one). She was told she has a form of migraine but not the typical headache one. This brings on dizzyness and a feeling of being unbalanced. She had to stand on one foot and jump on the spot and her balance was way off.

    She now has to take meds associated with epilepsy to control this and is hoping this works but its sounded so similar to your situation. I hope you can get some answers.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: please guys i need u now more then ever :-(

    Thank you !!!

    Reading these is the only thing right now that gives me hope and strenght if you believe me. I have dealt with so many things over the years of anxiety, some just anxiety other anxiety making other things worse, but i have managed after years of work on myself to give into fears less, biggest achievement was that even though symptoms would scare me, it wouldn't stop me from continuing with life, i wouldn't be locking myself in the house scared to go out like i did in the beginning years ago. I was scared to walk down the street by myself then and my dreams were to be able to be normal again, just to be able to do normal things...
    I am now feeling as scared and lost as i was in the very beginning!!! I opened my eyes this morning feeling so depressed, how do i face another day like this, yesterday i didn't even get out of my pj's!!! For god sake i am scared to take a shower cause i'm scared i'll fall in there or out of it and hit my head or something else...
    I just keep thinking if i should call the doctor again, but i am too shy or scared to do it, it got so much worse since i saw him... but calling for not routine appointments, even the receptionist interrogate u like u r calling for their life or something!!
    my bf is not really understanding, he can't understand me, the only reason i was able to ask him to help me with moving around is cause it was sooo bad, i didn't talk about it or how scared i am before or after really, although he can see how scared i am since the only route for me since was bed to and the other way... i do really think if i make it through this and pregnancy i will be much better again once the baby comes, without meds, and any real support, and scared about being pregnant as well, this is almost the hardest time for me that there could be...
    I feel like someone is torturing me to death with this...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: please guys i need u now more then ever :-(

    Hi Mila

    I really think its anxiety!!

    Reason I say this is cos Ive been fine for ages now but today my anxiety has come back and I feel really dizzy

    I also found when I was pregnant (a long time ago) my anxiety was really bad too!!

    Maybe your GP could give you something to help you relax that wont harm the baby or try natural remedies but still check with doc cos I know even some natural things cannot be taken when pregnant!!

    Hope you feel better soon

    Kaz x

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