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Thread: please speak to me, freaking out

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    please speak to me, freaking out

    I'm losing control. I don't know what to do My anxiety is through the roof, I'm frightenend. Anxiety every day but this is awful..I know why i think. Hubbie having bad time at work for ages. He was awake all night and told me at 5 o clock he's handing in notice today. (he is 62, and can retire from his workplace at that age) I fully support his decision as he is making himself ill and worrying about me all the time. It's just given me a load of stress when he told me and i don't want to tell him how bad it's made me feel. He has enough worries. The decision to finish came out of the blue. He will get a pension but nowhere near his wage. i don't work because of anxiety. Will i settle down again? Can't think how to cope with all this or even get through today, feel so weird and mind feels like it's shutting down, i think I'm going to lose the plot and go mad or collapse...oh help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: please speak to me, freaking out

    hi mojo sorry to hear your bad today ,,its shame about your husband he will need your support ,,thease things always come along when we are at rock bottom,,, it is so hard coping as it is ,,try to relax i am sure your husband has been thinking about it for a while ,, your not alone you will be ok love

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: please speak to me, freaking out

    judy nothen can happen to u during anxeity, nothen at all, its your mind creating the feelings that is making your adrenaline go mad,, run up and down the stairs get rid of adrenaline.


    try some deep breathing , in to the count of 4 and out to the count of 4, slowly and keep going , your body wiil return to calm.

    do you have a friend you could call?
    do you have any thing in mediction ways to take the edge off, if not speak to your doctor.
    Try distracting yourself,

    you will be ok , take control.

    Current meds,
    duloxetine 60mg am/ pm , cut out night time one,, see how it goes,
    seroquel 200mg xr pm ------ weaned down to 150mg-------now 100mg------ 50mg---------NONE-----back on 50mg

    diaizpam 5mg, as needed.

    come on panic attack do your worse,, you can knock me down,, BUT I WILL GET BACK UP AGAIN.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: please speak to me, freaking out

    Thank you both. Good to know someone there. I don't have anyone I can phone just now. i don't take medication either. I know really nothing will happen but I just can't seem to get a hold of myself...feel like everythings spiralling out of control...having you all here helps though, I know someone's listening.xx

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: please speak to me, freaking out

    judy, you will be fine,, i knw how you feel, and its horrible i know,, if you are dealing with this all with out meds, then give yourself a pat on the back, i coudnt do it with out my meds. your stronger than you know, give your self a break.

    Current meds,
    duloxetine 60mg am/ pm , cut out night time one,, see how it goes,
    seroquel 200mg xr pm ------ weaned down to 150mg-------now 100mg------ 50mg---------NONE-----back on 50mg

    diaizpam 5mg, as needed.

    come on panic attack do your worse,, you can knock me down,, BUT I WILL GET BACK UP AGAIN.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: please speak to me, freaking out

    Thank you Lucy. I'm needing as much help as possible right now.....anyone that can reply please do... the more reassurance I can get the better...this is just so horrible. Why do things always happen to drag you back down just when you feel you are making a tiny bit of progress. don't feel I have strength to get myself up again..

  7. #7

    Re: please speak to me, freaking out

    hi new member feeling realy down no one here seems to under stand the way im feeling

  8. #8

    Re: please speak to me, freaking out

    been subscribed citalopram 5 days ago 20mg feeling very on edge at the moment every thing i do seems to be wrong ,

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: please speak to me, freaking out

    I think meds take a lot longer than this to kick in and can make you feel worse before they make you feel better. I'm sure if you post a bit more you will find people on here really do understand how you feel. I think they are fantastic and my lifeline. I can't manage without them. Sorry I'm not much help but feeling so bad just now that I'm not thinking well. Looking for help myself...

  10. #10

    Re: please speak to me, freaking out

    I feel so sorry for you.. I'm much the same myself at times..trying to hold myself together.I don't know if this might help but what about a relaxation cd? can find many online or to purchase.... they do help if you have company and just relax listening to of luck..

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