Hi Philip

Yes, three years is fairly a long time.

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I tried to ween off it once and nearly lost my mind.</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
Probably because you did it foo fast. I went thru the same last year, horrible huh.

You will be able to get off it, you just need time... Slowly and gradually by reducing the dose over a certain period of time that suits you , at your own pace.
Last year I was on Bromazepam ( not available in uk anymore ) , and I stopped suddenly [:O]. Bad idea! I suffered dreadful withdrawal symptoms.
I was desperate to find some help, so I found a website called www.benzo.org.uk
There I found some good advice and support, been advised to switch to diazepam ( out of all benzos, the easiest to withdraw )...
So I started to withdraw from the dosage of 6mg nightly , and it took me about a year to get to where I am today : taking 2mg only when needed! I can last a week or two without taking any, which is a huge difference!
Like you , I had doubts , wasnt sure if I would be able to stop/ reduce.
I just want to give you some hope, if I did it , then so can you .
All the best of luck with it.

*He who loses money, loses much; He who loses a friend, loses much more, He who loses faith, loses all.*