Last night, my boyfriend called me when he was on his way to a friends. He never shows any kind of emotion & refuses help from anybody in general. When he called me he was crying, begging me to help him, felt like his head was about to explode. He said that he felt like he was going to die. He felt detached from everything and he was scared. He got off the train half an hour early and his friend picked him up and brought him to his parents.

He seemed a lot better for a while, but then it happened again. I've never seen such a look of terror in anybodys eyes. We spoke to a doctor on the phone who confirmed it probably was a panic attack. He stayed at his Mum's last night and I went home to mine around 2am.

Text message at 9am from him saying 'In hospital,please don't worry. I'll call you when I can. I love you, whatever happens' I've spoken to him since, briefly and he says he's been at the hospital since around 3am. They've given him something to help him sleep and said he has to make appointment with his GP as soon as possible.

Any advice whatsoever? I've had what I thought were panic attacks, years ago but they were nowhere near this extreme. He's on 300mg of trazodone a day for his anxiety/depression.

Many thanks