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Thread: Citalopram and Ritalin/Adderall

  1. #1

    Citalopram and Ritalin/Adderall

    Hey all

    Quick question, has anyone ever taken either Ritalin or Adderall while being on Citalopram?

    I am on my 24th day of Citalopram 20mg for the first time ever. I have taken Ritalin or Adderall around the last couple of weeks of the semester to give me an extra push. I'm a full time student, full time employee and avid athlete.

    I took some Ritalin about a week ago to write a really hard paper, I didn't get the usual alertness but it did help a bit. I have taken Adderall before as well, and I could tell that it was much stronger than Ritalin. I guess my question is if any of you know if something will happen with Adderall.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: Citalopram and Ritalin/Adderall

    Hi Noel,

    Have you been prescibed these drugs?

    If so, the doctor will have seen this many times and be able to advise.


  3. #3

    Re: Citalopram and Ritalin/Adderall

    No, I have not been prescribed. I guess I'm part of the growing statistic of US College students using "smart drugs" to get through finals week. I have been prescribed Citalopram, but not Ritalin or Adderall.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Citalopram and Ritalin/Adderall

    It is perscribed alongside Citalopram .But that said correct dosage would be up to a Dr to decide Its never wise to self perscribe as there is always the risk of a bad reaction .Drugs if bought over the internet arent always what they appear to be and can cause dangerous side effects if not worse ..Im sure if you went to your Dr and explained your situation he would reccomend something appropriate for you ..Tc Gd Luck with your exams ..Sue x

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