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Thread: Advice on whether Mirtazapine helps with panic disorder?

  1. #1

    Advice on whether Mirtazapine helps with panic disorder?

    Hi there I am new on here although I have been reading posts on here for about two years and think what I great site this is!!

    Basically I was on mirtazapine before about 5 years ago.. all I can remember is starting them and within a month rapidly going downhill with my panic disorder which at the time I blamed the tablets but maybe it was just me getting worse and the tablets just not kicking in! and then I would say a year later I felt great again so came off them.. well I just stopped which was silly I know but felt fine for about 6 mths and then it all started to creep back in again slowly but surely.

    o now at this point I am still struggling with the simple things in life, relying on people to help me get out and about to just about funcion. This has gone on for long enough so think maybe I should really try to take something..

    My doc has given me the choice to go back on the mirtazapine or try lofepramine and I'm torn as to what to do.. Please any advice welcome guys

    I am absolutley petrified of any medication by the way this is another part of my problem please help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Advice on whether Mirtazapine helps with panic disorder?

    Lorr I'm sorry that your depression and anxiety has returned. As you probably already know mirtazapine is an anti depressant but has 'off label uses in the treatment of anxiety so it should help with your anxiety too. I have no experience of lofepramine. I am on 45mg of mirtazapie. Allow at least two to three weeks for the mirtazapine to start working although you might experience its sedative effects in lower doses straight away. If your anxiety is particularily bad your doctor might prescribe something in the short term such as diazepan. If you decide to come off mirtazapine do it with your doctors supervision and very very slowly. I hope that you begin to feel better soon. EJ.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Advice on whether Mirtazapine helps with panic disorder?

    Hi Lorr,

    I have been taking mirtazipine for around 5 months now...I started off on 15mg then after 4 weeks the anxiety crept back so went up to 30mg. It has helped me especially with the depression but I am still suffering with anxiety. My GP has prescribed me with Pregbalin to take along side the mirtazipine but I have only just started taking that so cannot comment at this stage on its effectiveness. I do not know much about lofepramine either so cannot comment on that, I guess if the mirtazipine helped you the first time round then hopefully it should help again??? I know for me it got me back into work and living a relatively normal life again...o.k. am still suffering anxiety but I still go to work etc with it and hopefully this new med I am taking along side the mirt will help.

    Its a difficult one to call but as I said earlier if mirt worked for you before then it should again. At least it helps with sleep and thats a godsend for most people as alot of AD's cause sleep disturbance especially when first taking them.

    Good luck with what you decide to do and remember we are here for you for help and support.

    Take care

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Advice on whether Mirtazapine helps with panic disorder?

    I have been on both Mirtazapine and Lofepramine. Mirtazapine worked wonders for me and greatly improved my life. Lofepramine didn't help, but maybe that's just me. At the very least, as JT69 said, Mirtazapine will help you to sleep. All the best. Baggs.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Advice on whether Mirtazapine helps with panic disorder?

    Ive been on mirtazapine just coming up to 2 years now. Ive noticed that my panic attacks have disapeared, but instead I now have GAD and anxiety attacks from that. Because of this my doctor has given me Seroxat to take as well as the mirtazapine and I think so far Im starting to improve. Its still too early to tell.
    Mirtazapine really helps my mood. I feel more alive and I want to get better again!
    If it helped you before, then I would say go back on it again.
    Rebuilding my life one day at a time.

  6. #6

    Re: Advice on whether Mirtazapine helps with panic disorder?

    Aww how nice to come back to some replies

    I am in a pickle with what to do regarding deciding between the two meds and I have panic attacks with taking the darn things! I think I might just book another appointment with the doc and have another chat but think they are getting fed up with me now!!

    Trouble is I put it off when if I had started months ago I coulds be getting back on the right road.. the life suffering with this is just so debilitating and we can only fight so much on our own cant we. I have given up so much of the things I enjoy because of this and lost lots of close friends too because of it.. partly due to constently not being able to make social gatherings e.t.c to the fear of having to sit in the car for more than five minuites and leave my "safe place" or rather my prison!!

    So nice to meet you guys and thankyou ever so much for taking the time to reply.. I will let you know how I get on at docs and when I start one or the other!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Advice on whether Mirtazapine helps with panic disorder?

    Hi Lorr,

    Firstly do not think that the Gp will be fed up of you....that is what they are there for and I am sure that this is not the case.

    Secondly I feel you need to do something to help you as you are clearly suffering hun.

    Meds (even though none of us want to take them) are essential sometimes...and if you think of it as a way of getting a better quality of life than that should help you.

    I always think of it as if you had a headache would you take a painklller?? If you had high blood pressure you would take meds to reduce it etc etc.

    I hope you get on o.k. at the Gp's today.


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