Hey everyone.. I need a little positive reassurance...

Back in Feb. I started having weird symptoms when I was snowed in for a week in my dorm. I started to feel dizzy and out of it like depersonalization. This started me on fears of both vCJD and brain tumors. Since then on and off I have had all sorts of symptoms like:

seeing pink, blue, black and purple spots
visual snow
bright white sparks
minor head 'twinges' all over, occasional headaches
muscle twitches and fasciculations
occasional fullness feeling in the ears
occasional ringing in one or the other ear that last for maybe 10-20 seconds
feeling week in the legs
feeling uncoordinated
muscle tension
tight throat that makes me feel slightly nauseous
dry tongue
sort of nausea -- I have never actually thrown up but sometimes I get a feeling in my throat like I wretch for a moment... my stomach also feels indigested a lot... a lot of gas and tightness.

I have always been an extremely anxious person especially growing up and I have worried about health concerns before. The difference is now I seem to be afraid of the way the anxiety makes me feel. I just was at the doctor for a physical and she said that she is not too worried. Especially not about the things I was. She said it might be time to get a full eye exam and to get my blood done to check for thyroid issues (my dad had thyroid problems at my age). My aunt just did get diagnosed with several brain tumors and I do not have the symptoms she does. (she could not find her way to/from the grocery store, cant remember who she talked to an hour ago etc.)

Are what I listed above anxiety related? I dont have the symptoms when I feel particularly anxious they just come randomly at any time. Laying down helps relieve a lot of them. Like I said, I am wondering if these are common anxiety symptoms and is it possible to feel/experience them even when not consciously anxious about something?

Thanks to everyone here!