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Thread: sharp chest pains lasting 1 second

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    sharp chest pains lasting 1 second


    I posted this a few days ago and got 60 views but no replies :-(

    I am posting it again in the hope it may attract some more viewers who may be able to understand what I am going through!! I am still having these sharp chest pains but they literally last a second or so.

    Anyway, my original post:

    Upper abdominal bloating and pain
    Please help if you have any idea what is causing me this horrendous anxiety.

    I have ongoing severe bloating in the upper abdomen and occasional very sharp pains that hit the centre of my upper chest. I seriously thought it could be a heart attack but they last literally a second. Had 2 yesterday and 1 in the night. The bloating is there constantly, from the minute I get up and walk around to when I go to bed.

    I feel uncomfortable and eating gives me more pain. I don't curl over in agony but it's unpleasant and uncomfortable and is stopping me eating. I have lost a few pounds, nothing major but slowly the weight is coming off. (Not a bad thing I suppose but I would rather feel better).

    I have history of IBS and reflux and had a flexible sigmoidoscopy last week which revealed diverticulitis, and am waiting for upper endoscopy. I look at google and see heart attack or stomach cancer (along with gallbladder disease etc). Something doesn't feel right. I last had an examination a couple of months ago (ie gastro dr feeling my abdomen) and he couldn't feel any 'masses' but my upper abdomen feels constantly huge, painful and hard. Is this bloating related to anything. Is it related to reflux? Any suggestions on what I can do to reduce it. It feels like something is stuck in my upper abdomen and of course, having health anxiety, I suspect a big nasty black tumour in my stomach. Please help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: sharp chest pains lasting 1 second

    The worse thing you can do is GOOGLE! It could be acid reflux. I suffer from health anxiety too, so I know what a mare it can be at times. Have you had any treatment for acid reflux?

    All the best


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    , , New Zealand.

    Re: sharp chest pains lasting 1 second

    Divericulitis can cause nasty pains. The pain in your chest could be related to the bloating, don't know what's causing that, but it sounds like that could be your bowel too. I know how hard it can be waiting for tests and not knowing what's wrong, especially when you're so uncomfortable, but in the meantime, please try to be patient and don't freak yourself out by reading about all these things that you probably haven't got.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: sharp chest pains lasting 1 second

    Hi the upper stomach pain is something I suffer from almost like a gripping pain I was prescribed some tablets to try and stop the spasms which do help but for the past 4 days i have had a lot of discomfort /pain again in the upper stomach area it even woke me up at 4am this morning also it is tender if i press it .also i have IBS so i have put this down to that ??? I am full of wind at the moment maybe thats the problem , try not to worry .
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    Maggie xx

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: sharp chest pains lasting 1 second

    i would point to IBS as when I am constipated I get pain ALL over the stomach area and the chest too.. when I have also had these symptoms I have googled and got worked up about the same 'stomach cancer' etc. but i have found after I stuffed my face with fibre and went to the toilet the next day that it was fine

    though I dont have IBS and understand that it would not be that easy for you!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: sharp chest pains lasting 1 second

    Hello I suffer from the exact same symptoms and my doctor says its acid reflux it can be very painful and it does cause chest pain. Hopw you feel better soon. Maybe see your gp I take 30mg lanzoprazole this usually works but been anxious and stressed can make it worse I've found. When im stressed and anxious my stomache always plays up. Hope I've helped a little to put your mind at rest but it does sound exactly the same as what I suffer with acid reflux.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: sharp chest pains lasting 1 second

    Thank you very much for all your replies. You mention both IBS and reflux and I suffer from both so really hoping it is all related. I currently take lanzoprazole (have done for months) and have an upper endoscopy booked on the 8th of October because of the issues with reflux and my stomach. I wish I knew what is bringing on the chest pains. Are there particular foods that trigger these pains if suffering from reflux as I would happily give it up. I have given up my crisps and (give or take an occasional glass), my wine. My 2 downfalls but still suffering! Thanks again to everyone that takes the time to reply as it really does help x

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: sharp chest pains lasting 1 second

    Do you smoke at all?

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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: sharp chest pains lasting 1 second


    I have started suffering from the odd 1 second spasm pains in the centre of the chest and spasms on the lower ribcage. I tried to find when it happens and I find it is nearly always after eating. I did find that because my upper abdomen becomes uncomfortable and bloated and I then find myself chest breathing and I have put it down to the chest breathing causing the muscle spasms. My ribs feel sore.

    Hope this helps.

    Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.

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