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Thread: Is it working

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Is it working

    I have been on citalopram for almost 5 weeks now and am totally fed up cos i don't know if it is working or not. I have taken it before and it worked but this time the increased anxiety made me more anxious in shops etc which has never happened before.

    Anyway today i went to my daughters school and i felt a bit anxious but then i just calmed down and was fine. Now is this the citalopram working? I also take 10mg propranol in morning and in the evening, but i went to the school at 2.00pm. So which one is it?

    Please help i am getting to the point where i think i will never get better.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Is it working

    it can take up to 6 wks to see signs of improvement but in the past - i have taken an ssri that has worked before but doesn't seem to have done anything so after 6 weeks i would talk to your gp about trying another. 10mg propranalol would do nothing for me lol! i would have to take at least 40mg x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Is it working

    If the anxiety calmed down and normally wouldnt have so Quickly .It would be seen as having some effect ..Sometimes you dont react the same the second time around .This has to do with your body chemistry and also your anxiety /depression at the start ..Maybe you need a higher dose .It took me two increases for the anxiety to subside .You also could benefit from a change .But it would be up to your Dr .You arent on a high dose at the moment so I would think he would reccomend a different dose first .To see if it helps more .As coming off would entail withdrawals and s/e from a new med .gd luck Leesy Sue x

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