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Thread: any one not gained weight?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    any one not gained weight?

    just been put on this medication and have read ALOT of stuff about ppl gaining weight...this kind of worries me as i would hate to gain alot of weight i think that would worsen my deppression. i feel like i want to ask my psychiatrist if i can change the medication but i dont want to be difficult! i would hate to waste her time! so was wandering if there is any one out there who has not gained weight on it? and also is it the medication or the eating that makes u gain?. and on a different note is it safe to drink alchohol? anyone had any problems ? thanks x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: any one not gained weight?

    Hi most people who are put on this medication do gain weight like myself. This is because mirtazapine was initially developed as an appetite stimulant. It is likeley that you will crave carbs and sweet sugary things. I have found that my weight gain was most pronounced when I first went on it. These effects can be lessened by exercise and a low fat low sugar diet. At the moment I have about 10lbs to go until I reach my ideal weight. Initial weight gain was 1st 8lbs which I lost. It will be hard to maintain a healthy weight but not impossible. I would concentrate on getting well first (unless you are very overweight to start with) and then focus on the weight gain. As far as alcohol is concerned is isn't recommended to drink with the mirt. At first it will increase its sedative properties. I am also on lithium so limit to one glass of wine. You will find that others will say different. Alcohol might make you feel unwell if you take it with the mirt. I leave that up to you but you should be alright with onwe drink. EJ.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: any one not gained weight?

    thanks ej so dose the weight come like in the first few weeks? and does it go in time or do u have to really work at it to loose it? to be honest this is the second day and i have no appetite! i really dont drink alot anyway if i do its only like 1 can of lager i am thinking about askin to change the meds when i next see my psychiatrist on wedensday ???? but i worry about everything and i dont want them thinking i am bein awkward or silly!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: any one not gained weight?

    I was only on Mirt for a short time ..I started getting really bad hunger pains after 2 weeks ..I didnt stay on it long and I didnt put weight on .I did with Cit .but only 5lb s the first year .The second year was the worst .I dont eat rubbish and am active .But most of them give you carb and sugar cravings .Good job I was thin to start with .I ve lost three pounds since I cut down my dose .another 7 to go and I back to normal weight .Everyone reacts differently some dont put on weight on some but do on others .But like Ej says Mirt is prob the worst for weight gain because it was especially for that ..Id see what the Dr says .dont worry too much ,A little bit of weight gain can make you look healthier .A small price for being mentally well id say .Sue

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: any one not gained weight?

    Hi, I was one of the unlucky ones that gained weight...and was over-weight to start with but having tried srris and been unsucessful on the last occasion was given this to try and it did get me into a much better place so I cannot praise it enough. It does increase the appetite so if you can handle that and not give in then you should be o.k. I did excersise alot when I first started taking it but now am back to work full-time find it harder to do. But as EJ says it you are sensible then you should be fine.

    As far as alcohol is concerned I do drink the odd glass of wine (but I am used to mirtazipine now), and am o.k. but wouldn't recommend drinking too much and it will increase the sedative be careful!!!

    Hope you get on o.k and post away for support.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: any one not gained weight?

    hi thanks everyone for the replies its a great help. i know it seems silly not wanting to gain weight but its pretty important to me to stay the way. i just dont want it to cause more problems by giving me something eles to worry about ive spent the last 2 days just worrying about this! i could deal with a few extra pounds but i have read some horror stories with ppl gaining like 2-3 stone! its pretty scary! i am really lost as what to do! maybe i should nip it in the bud now and ask to change to something eles x

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: any one not gained weight?

    I've gained weight from taking these, but only a few pounds. The pills do make me crave sweet things, but you can overcome the urge. Just try to eat healthily and only have small treats
    Rebuilding my life one day at a time.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: any one not gained weight?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vixxy View Post
    I've gained weight from taking these, but only a few pounds. The pills do make me crave sweet things, but you can overcome the urge. Just try to eat healthily and only have small treats
    thanks vixxy i do eat healthy anyway but there are alot of ppl saying it does not matter how much they eat they still gain weight??! i only weigh around 7 and a half stone i do have issues with my weight and know i could do with a few extra pounds just dont want to end up gaining 2-3 stone! xx

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: any one not gained weight?

    Then you'll be fine. I put on half a stone at max and Ive been on them for 2 years now. I actually think that weight gain was because I was in the last months of my degree and I was eating rubbish as I was chained to my pc at every waking moment!
    I dont think the meds make you gain weight, I think they just make you want to eat more. So as long as you can keep that in check, you'll be fine
    Rebuilding my life one day at a time.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: any one not gained weight?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vixxy View Post
    Then you'll be fine. I put on half a stone at max and Ive been on them for 2 years now. I actually think that weight gain was because I was in the last months of my degree and I was eating rubbish as I was chained to my pc at every waking moment!
    I dont think the meds make you gain weight, I think they just make you want to eat more. So as long as you can keep that in check, you'll be fine
    thank you that is very reassuring been on so many meds! i just want one that is right for me coz am gonna be on them forever so fingers crossed and thanks again xxxxx

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