Hiya all....

Thought it might be a nice idea for everyone to start posting about the 'nice' or more 'possitive' things they have done each day.

Wether that's just going for a walk, not worring for a while, not checking their blood pressure, managing to ignore annoying feelings and symptoms, doing something nice for someone else or having something nice done for you that MADE YOU FEEL GOOD.......

.......Infact anything and everything goes as long as it is something that made you feel PROUD of yourself or GOOD, even if only for a minute or two.

Me... well today has been a bit of a whirlwind experience and despite feeling naff I carved a load of pumpkins and decorated the front of the house for Halloween. MY HOUSE STINKS OF YEUCHY PUMPKIN PULP but the looks on all the little kids faces as they took their sweets and admired our carvings and decorations made me feel really proud and happy that my little effort had made their night just that little bit more special. I felt GOOD

I even drove to the local shop for some more sweets when we ran out and I've not driven for weeks... didn't even give it a second thought until I got back

I've not googled one 'symptom of' or thought 'I wonder if it's due to '........

I've not even disapeared to the bedroom for my 'leave me alone chill out time' as I forgot cos I've been busy.

I've also registered on the 'Live Life to the Full' course that someone else mentioned on here.... it's really good.

Don't take all that I've put for today as being any benchmark for comments as tomorrow I guess will not be as eventfull as today so don't expect too much from me but I am determined to have at least one possitive thing to report back on tomorrow and I hope you will all have too

....then the next day we can all have another... then another... then another ... and we will all help each other to see that there are nice bits in a day too x x x x

but PLEASE no 'negativity' in this thread even if it is hard not to at times