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Thread: Work Anxiety

  1. #1

    Work Anxiety

    I started a new job about a year ago, it was going to be an eventful year for me as I was getting married, I have an active social life and like having a busy calender.
    A couple of months after starting this new Job I had a panic attack, I last had one of these about 15 years ago when I was in an abusive relationship and thankfully they stopped when I got out of the situation, although it took a while.
    The new job was quite a challenge and my boss is a hard task master, but I felt sure I could do a good job as previous roles that I had had been quite demanding. I managed to get through the day thinking it was just a one of and then they got worse and worse until I had to take time off to see a doctor who prescribed me Beta-Blockers and A/Depressants. I put all this down to the stress of the wedding and started to cut down on some of my other social activities. The medication seemed to make me worse and I was getting stick from my colleagues about being "spacey" so I came off it and for a while I was okay, we had a great wedding and it was the best day of my life.
    Over the months I was feeling more and more unhappy in work, I tried to enjoy the role as much as I could but would leave work feeling like I had accomplished nothing and the work that I did was not worthwhile, this is actually true, the job is not great, not a good environment, very bitchy and the goal post moves on a daily basis so you always feel like you have under achieved.
    Another thing I noticed was the amount of times I had picked up minor ailments where as before I never got sick hardly ever, I was really trying to get on in the job but it was like one thing after another!
    Recently the anxiety has returned and not just panic attacks (which i can control quite well now) but chest pains, insomnia, indigestion. Its been like my body won't give me a break.
    After another visit with my GP he suggested that it was my job that was causing the panic attacks and anxiety, after all its only when I'm there, on the way there or thinking about work that I get sick/anxious.
    So I have given up my job and I have to say the anxiety seems to have improved no end. I still have to find another job but I certainly know I will be staying away from this Industry.
    I have worked for almost 20 years and had a fair amount of responsibility without any problem, this is the worst job I have ever had.
    Moral of the story - Is there something in your life making you ill? Get Rid OF IT!!! NOW!

    Peace and love x

  2. #2

    Re: Work Anxiety

    I know exactly what you are talking about. The way that I have been treated at my job is making me extremely upset. I have thought about leaving but have not quite plucked up the courage yet!

    Well done for being courageous. I wish I was as strong headed as you have shown to be.

  3. #3

    Re: Work Anxiety

    Hi Urlelove

    I'm pleased that you found a way through the situation and managed to stay in your job, and it sounds like you even improved your working conditions, you should be proud of yourself - a lot of people without anxiety problems could not have done that - it takes a lot of guts.
    I did try to speak to my Boss about my issues but unfortunately I did not have a boss that was as mature as yours seems to be and the mere mention of the word 'anxiety' automatically made him think that I couldn't be trusted with a pair of scissors and colleagues were not very sympathetic either, it was a pretty toxic dog eat dog environment. So in my case I think I made the right decision.
    I do think u are right to point out that quitting does not have to be the way forward and I will certainly be looking into getting some councilling/therapy as my confidence and mental health seems to have taken a beating through this job!

  4. #4

    Re: Work Anxiety

    Quote Originally Posted by totallystressed View Post
    I know exactly what you are talking about. The way that I have been treated at my job is making me extremely upset. I have thought about leaving but have not quite plucked up the courage yet!

    Well done for being courageous. I wish I was as strong headed as you have shown to be.
    Not sure if it was courage, I just couldn't carry on the way I was. As Urlelove says, it better to try and work it out with your manager first before you do anything rash.
    In the case of Urlelove it worked out and I would imagine was quite a confidence boost and improved his relationship with his boss.
    In my case it seemed to make things worse and made it more difficult to get on in the company.
    What is it about your job thats upsetting u?

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