Agree with everything sara said.
On the physical part they have yes or no answers, but not for mental health.
'can you go out on your own' I have to tick varies.
Can you go out places you dont know err no I can't, yet varies is pointless cos it doesnt vary.

I'm not allowed benefits so I cant pay bills, living free is making me feel guilty, as my mum struggling to pay for me.
Makes me angry when I read about people that do benefit fraud.. Even footballers getting paid sooo much even when they dont do much, and I get nothing, i'd love to go work if I could,
I was reffused a home visit even tho doctor sent a letter, they said they didnt get it and another said it wasnt enough evidence,
Didnt even ask questions that were inn the medical book, they asked about if I had pets, whats that got to do with anxiety? Yes I do and I do clean them out myself.

After 2 years I still not gone on public transport or bought something in a shop on my own, thought of a que makes me panic and I run out,
I had to do things for therapy and it got me to walk into town on my own, anxiety went down, but still can't go shopping, and they say im fit for work, doctors know me better than them.
Esa expect us to sign on, as if im gonna take my mum with me and to work withh me, she has her own job.