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Thread: cant be convinced I dont have cancer

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    cant be convinced I dont have cancer

    I seen a breast specialist again yesterday he said after all the tests I have had that there is no reason to get an MRI he says that I dont have cancer and I have to accept that. I cant accept that! I dont feel good I never feel good so you cant tell me that I am healthy and cancer free. My breast hurts, I have pains in the back of the right side of my head, I have pelvic pain. I have some bleeding and pain when I have a bowel movement I feel like I am falling apart. I worry about my kids, I worry about me, I dont know how to convince the doctors that there is something wrong. I went on a breast cancer web site and it says that tons of women feel pain in there breast and there doctor sends them away saying cancer isnt painful and it turns out they do have cancer. I also posted on that site to get some advice and they said to ask the doctor to give me an MRI and when I brought it up to the doctor he said I dont have cancer and I dont need a MRI. I have had dozens of opinions and no one will take me serious. What can I do????

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: cant be convinced I dont have cancer

    If I am honest you have to stop obsessing and move on from it all.

    The more you worry the more the pains are there. HA can bring on physical pains that are REAL but there is nothing wrong.

    The only other thing you can do is pay for an MRI but I think this could add to your worries and of course they are not cheap.

    “Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbitt

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: cant be convinced I dont have cancer

    With regard to the bleeding with bowel movements - that can be piles and/or a fissure or something like diverticular disease but obviously these would need checking out with a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy.

    “Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbitt

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: cant be convinced I dont have cancer

    Hi there sorry you are suffering from something, but anxiety and fear are enough to be suffering from. They will make you feel physically ill, it doesnt need to be a cancer to make you feel like that.

    Having experienced several people with cancer their cancers caused an issue in one particular area not a vague range of symptoms in different areas. From what I have read its quite rare for a person who goes to the doctor suggesting they have a cancer to actually end up having one. It is more often the other way round.

    Of all my experiences and one including a teenager who was I was totally unsuspecting of cancer because he was 18 it was jumped on so quickly and he was in hospital within 2 hours of visiting a GP.

    You need to trust in the medical proffession to an extent and ask yourself why would they want to miss it ? why would they refuse me tests if they had any doubt ? These people have the experience and no far more of the early signs than they let on. Why do you want to prove them wrong ?

    You do say you worry about yourself and worry about your children ? That isnt a sign of anything serious its anxiety and another strain of your worry, the health worries are just an outlet for your anxiety.
    I have been there in a stage of my life when i obssessed about a condition and had all the tests and told myself right if i am proven wrong i will be happy and know i have a anxiety. But what actually happened when proven wrong was i moved on to another health worry and i gradually realised it was moving around my body. Now logically I couldnt possibly have had all those conditions and i reconised what i was doing.
    You are stuck in a loop and getting nowhere. I hope you find a way of getting free and manage to think more rationally as its a living hell to live like that.
    take care x

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