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Thread: still recovering

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    , , Brazil.

    still recovering

    Hi everyone thought I'd drop ye all a line to tell ye all that Im still recovering.I just cant wait to be fully cured.But I have to let recovery come to me as Ill only get anxious if I get too impatient.Its still just the tension in my stomach that persists.I no longer get jelly legs when walking down the street.I can now walk down the street in a calm and carefree manner, which is great.I cant wait until the churning stomach is gone.Im trying to get rid of my symptoms But that can be self defeating as I need to have the attitude of embracing the symptoms, in a calm way of course.I need the symptoms to come so I can keep proving to myself that I can handle them, so that I can see through the bluff even more.Starting to feel the emotion of happiness again is great.Ive become naqtural again when talking to people.Its great as Im starting to have fun with people just like I used to by being spontanious etc.I also started going to soccer training with my local town which is something I would have been too afraid to do before.Ive spoken to David Johnson on the phone lately.He is really good as he gives me encouragement etc.I listened to a recording from an interview that he done on the radio in new zealand.If anybody wants to hear it just go to or which is his international website and go into the testimonal section then its just on your right.Ill have to keep listening to his programme as you have to understand everything to recover fully.I recently bought his programme for a friend of mine.Hes suffered for the last 6 years.Hes only 19 and hes taking three different types of medication every day.He thinks the programme is really good.Its helping him a lot.The Claire Weekes method is really working for me.I know that I keep going on about it but Im just so enthusiastic.But the main thing no matter what method you use is for it to help you.Ive been thinking when im in my 40's or 50's I might set up my own Claire Weekes counselling centre in Ireland if I have the money.Ill get back to ye soon to tell ye more about my recovery.

    "You have to live with fear to live without fear!"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Bless - you sound so happy and full of enthusiasm!

    It's really sweet that you're helping your friend with his problems too.

    Good luck with the soccer and every time you kick the ball think of it as a kick up anxiety's ****!!!!

    Best wishes

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi ya
    its soo great to hear that you're on your way to get better. and its great that you're helping your friend. you sound very happy. WELL DONE

    twiglet xx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    , , Brazil.
    cheers for the encouragement guys.I really am starting to feel great.My depression is lifting.I havent felt this happy in ten years.The big thing for me was having my panicky sensations explained such as why my stomach churned etc clearing the bewilderments helped me a lot.Im nearly there I just have to keep on floating and let time pass.

    "You have to live with fear to live without fear!"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    I think that that's exactly it, to not try and fight the way you feel (which causes a surge of adrenaline), but to float through it. I really will have to read Claire Weekes.

    I wasn't very happy before I became ill, so I'm looking forward to being happy for the first time in my life.

    Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    hi noothmay
    for the last two days i have been embracing the symptoms, looking at them and saying to myself well its only the stomach muscles moving up and down, etc, etc. what i was wondering is did your symptoms seem to come more often or stronger in the beginning, cos mine have, i dont know if this is happening because i am tuning in to their presence more or what? claire weekes is brill. i thought that if i had a nervous stomachthis meant that i was nervous, i didnt realise that its just a trick your nerves are playing on you, im having so many symptoms all at once too, i have to pick them out one by one
    sum advice off an expert pleeeze
    thanks juju

    we are all stronger people after having this

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    , , Brazil.
    hi juju the symptoms are stronger in the beginning.they may become worse for some poeple when they start facing them but this is only temporary and is common.after time the symptoms improve.that is until you get a setback.set backs are a very big part of need setbacks to recover.during setbacks your symptoms may be worse than ever.also setbacks can last from one day to a few weeks.setbacks are hwy most people never recover by using claire weekes she doesnt talk about them in all her books.the programme i bought from panic free contains all the information which you need to fully can also get a bit of phone counselling from david johnson where he will talk to you about the method.jon

    "You have to live with fear to live without fear!"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    thanks for that, i feel relieved to hear that, can you tell me tough why setbacks are important?, is it to reinstall your beliefs again so that they are imprinted in your brain?

    we are all stronger people after having this

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    , , Brazil.
    Hi JuJu setbacks are important as they give you another chance to practise the 4 principles of facing , accepting, floating and letting time pass.Recocery occurs when the symptoms no longer matter.The symptoms no longer matter when you keep practising the method and have developed you right inner voice enough.The right inner voice is very important.Basically its confidence that you can still do things while having the symptoms.If you were in a situation where you panicked and then you suddenly reflect on it and think that was terrible I panicked a lot there then your not developing your right inner voice.Instead you should think I panicked there but I still survived (by practising the method).The situation is then a success.You have to get your thinking right.After a while once youve been in enough situations where youve proven to your self that you can cope your right inner voice is built up enough that the symptoms no longer hold any fear over you and is doesnt matter whether you have the symptoms or not.It is then that you are cured.Jon

    "You have to live with fear to live without fear!"

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    thanks noothmay
    i have started to see results for the past 2 days, i have accepted and relaxed towards the symptoms, and the confidence i feel is overpowering the symptoms, just the odd little panic and doubt now and then, but i am relaxing towards the doubts/ thoughts etc and they really dont seem as big without the tension and fear.
    claire weekes method is the best

    we are all stronger people after having this

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