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Thread: Still anxious, skin issues, how do you stop worrying?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Still anxious, skin issues, how do you stop worrying?

    Now that I've had a precancerous spot burnt off forehead I can't help analyze everythihg on my body. There are so many things that could be basil cell. I have a red irritated spot on my hand i just ignored in the past Im now concerned about. My skins is pinkish with lots of bumps, blemishes and healing bug bites . I'm getting a skin check in a month but everywhere I look on my body I find something of concern.

    Skin people, how do you calm the anxiety and go on with your day?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Still anxious, skin issues, how do you stop worrying?

    Quote Originally Posted by christy67 View Post
    Skin people, how do you calm the anxiety and go on with your day?
    IMO, regardless of your fear du jour, it comes down to eliciting professional help in learning techniques to help change your mindset about such fears. I did it with the "scanxiety" and depression I had. Also, the positive benefit is that many of the techniques I learned and practiced in therapy I still use to this day in normal everyday stressful life situations. Bottom line is it comes down to you taking the steps to beat the dragon.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Still anxious, skin issues, how do you stop worrying?

    I"m usually okay after a skin check if they don't remove anything. If they do, then I'm okay once I get the biopsy results back. But between those times, I'm a wreck. My mind has gone through the worst case scenario every time. I had my skin check today and of course, as usual, they removed one to be biopsied, so now I wait. And panic. It's so hard to keep a level head, but I just go through the motions until I (hopefully) get news to lift that off my shoulders for a minute.

    Fishmanpa, you are a rock for us, really!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: Still anxious, skin issues, how do you stop worrying?

    Ugh Nicole how often do you get your skin checked? So sorry you're going throgh this, it's hell :( hang in there Im sure it will be fine.

    I have this irritated blotch on my hand and before I didn't think it was a big deal. Idk do you think I should go in and have it looked at since I'm on waiting list for full skin check. They seem to have other spots open otherwise.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Still anxious, skin issues, how do you stop worrying?

    Christy, how long has the blotch been there?

    Since I had one come up at severely atypical/possible early evolving melanoma, I have to go in every 3 months. I don't think I would panic nearly as much if that wouldnt have popped up. Now it feels like a waiting game until a full blown melanoma shows up. I can only hope and pray it doesn't.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: Still anxious, skin issues, how do you stop worrying?

    I totally empathize with your anxiety since you have had something come back questionable. If you have anxiety just that a little bit of negative information can send you down a rabbits hole and it's hard to hold the optimistic part. Which is what is happening to me. Hang in there!

    Just talked to a guy friend who has had many negative skin stuff and he just moved on and doesn't let it impact his life. I admire that. I tend to ruminate.

    The thing on my hand looks like a blemish and it's is on my knuckle. It's been there for 2-3 weeks. Wouldn't have thought anything of it before the forehead thing. Now it's suspect. I went hiking and got a bunch of mosquito bites so initially thought that what it was but they are healing this one no :(

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Still anxious, skin issues, how do you stop worrying?

    My biggest issue comes to instances like now, when I am waiting on a biopsy result. If I get an all clear, then I do tend to relax for at least a little while. But the waiting drives me mad. Like I said, I'm always waiting for some horrible result.

    2-3 weeks isn't bad for a blemish. Does it itch or bleed? Does it actually looks like a mosquito bite? Maybe a spider bite?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: Still anxious, skin issues, how do you stop worrying?

    I'm going to give it another week to see if it gets better and then try to get in. I may do what Nervus suggested and try to get on cancellation list for skin check.

    Here is my fear now, since I have had something burned off Im afraid these things are just going to keep popping up every month because of previous damage and now DNA damage. I already have bad health anxiety and am thinking the worst that I will be in the doctor's office contantly getting things cut out. I can't live with that kind of anxiety.

    Sorry to keep asking you questions but are you having things removed a lot or have you had a break from the constant checking and anxiety.

    Serously my anxiety is so high I feel like more things are going to really screw my face up. I have started taking anti anxiety meds but want kick in for a month.

    Please If any reassurance would be helpful. I hate to bug you because I know you are waiting for a biopsy like me and are dressed too.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Still anxious, skin issues, how do you stop worrying?

    You aren't bugging me at all, no worries! What do you mean by DNA damage though? I find that I do go in pretty frequently now over spots that start catching my eye, even if they've never changed. My anxiety goes in phases with that right now. I'm usually pretty okay, even when I've found something I think should be removed. Until biopsy wait week. My anxiety goes into total overdrive the week I'm waiting on results (so right now...). Once I get results, I generally calm down for a little while. At least a month. And then it kind of starts over. It's a vicious cycle but that one calm month or so really helps me push through until my next skin check (until the biopsy something... I swear I should have meds for that week, lol)

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