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Thread: Have you come off Duloxetine??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Have you come off Duloxetine??

    Hi Everyone

    How hard is it to come off these meds ?? Did you have any side effects?? ....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Have you come off Duloxetine??

    Yes I'm off cymbalta 3 yrs ago
    Read all I could before I came off it so I knew what to expect
    Brain zaps had only a few
    Gall bladder pain 3 times very painful(google it)
    Brain fog
    Peripheral neuropathy (I believe caused by cymbalta)
    I chose to come off because of brain fog and suppressed emotions. I always had a toilet reaction to the meds unless i took them at Exactly the same time each day. So when i had a nasty bought of the runs i knew the meds wouldn't be absorbed and they have a quick half life so i went for it 60 to 30 and tapered off a fortnight later. I have since found the Facebook cymbalta group which advocate strict tapering I WAS LUCKY NOT MANY SYMPTOMS.
    Last edited by anne; 05-10-17 at 22:40.

  3. #3

    Re: Have you come off Duloxetine??

    Hello All
    I haven't come off it, but would really like to be AD free one day. I think I will open up the capsules when the time is right.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Re: Have you come off Duloxetine??

    Mine was so bad I ended up in hospital and put straight back on it , good luck and everyone is different

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Have you come off Duloxetine??

    Quote Originally Posted by TRISTAN View Post
    Mine was so bad I ended up in hospital and put straight back on it , good luck and everyone is different
    wow :( , sorry to hear that ... Mind I did have a rough week when I came off it ... Today I started a new med

  6. #6

    Re: Have you come off Duloxetine??

    I suppose if you transition off it onto another drug the side effects aren't as bad?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Have you come off Duloxetine??

    Is it okay to open the capsule and take some little beads out to try to cut down dose slowly?
    I want to stop taking duloxetine as have been dianosed with osteoporosis and also have a back condition and am going to be put on some new mediacation and already have problems with constipation and this new drug also has that side effect. Plus I am always low and depressed so no medication helps with it I just need to help myself get through each day.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Have you come off Duloxetine??

    Quote Originally Posted by Beeble View Post
    Is it okay to open the capsule and take some little beads out to try to cut down dose slowly?
    I want to stop taking duloxetine as have been dianosed with osteoporosis and also have a back condition and am going to be put on some new mediacation and already have problems with constipation and this new drug also has that side effect. Plus I am always low and depressed so no medication helps with it I just need to help myself get through each day.
    There are guides out there for this on some sites that explain about it. Getting then to match each time may be an issue because the beads are ridiculously tiny. So, it's either a matter of endless counting or you could try weighing. Weighing should be possible with a jewellery scale as they go quite low (I make up my own supplements into capsules and use these scales).

    If you research this and decode to weigh, these scales are only a couple of pounds on Ebay.

    Another problem is that the beads are in those capsules due to throat irritation. Our meds guru, Ian, once mentioned apple sauce for things like this so that's something to look into. But you could otherwise put them back into capsules. Empty capsules are cheap to buy but if your med is in a gastro-resistant capsule or enteric coated one, you may need to look to those (or you could be very careful and perhaps re use the med's own capsule?). If it's such as an enteric one, it needs to pass the gut in it.

    I would have to check on the capsule make up though. Some meds make the beads inside enteric coated instead and the capsule just gets the tiny things past the throat without irritation.

    Some generics also don't use beads, they put a pill inside. That changes what you can do and if the pill is enteric coated you won't be advised to break the coating. It may be possible to do that and then put it back into an enteric capsule but I can't really say without properly checking that out.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Have you come off Duloxetine??

    Thank you for the reply. I have had no problems opening the capules and counting out the beads and then putting capsule back together. I seem to be okay doing this. My GP laughed when I told her whatI was doing so GREAT help.

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