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Thread: Started 10mg propranolol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    Started 10mg propranolol

    So after the worst night ever with constant adrenaline rushes for over 12 hours and being convinced I was dying I finally agreed to give 10mg of propranolol a try. I didn’t take it a few months ago when I was first prescribed as I was too scared but I was at the end of my tether last night.

    I took one 10mg pill this morning and it did seem to dampen the adrenaline down a bit, but not completely. I can still hear the palps in my head but I feel a bit calmer.

    I’m supposed to take 3 x daily, but I read it can be dangerous if you stop it. I haven’t taken any further doses yet until I decide if I like it, but should I just carry on taking it until my next gp appt in two weeks?

    Help! Medication scares me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2018

    Re: Started 10mg propranolol

    Hi, I suffer with awful health anxiety and have a fear of tablets after having a reaction to sertraline. My doctor perscribed me 10mg propranolol to take 3 times a day, i was terrified to take them but plucked up the courage! Been on them weeks now with no bad effects and they really do help with the adrenaline surges but I find the relief is short lived. I’m certainly not qualified to give medical advice but thought I would share how I’ve got on with them as you seem to have a tablet phobia like me. It’s such a low dose that I’ve figured the benefits out weigh any negatives. Good luck and I hope you find some relief 😃

  3. #3

    Re: Started 10mg propranolol

    Hi there,

    I was really reluctant to try meds and propranolol when I was 1st proscribed them a few years bk but have them a try. Initially was the same does, 10mg 3 times a day. Stuck with that to begin with now only take one a day and more only if I feel I need it and it doesn't make me super calm or anything but takes the edge off.

    As with the other reply no place to advise, just sharing my experience. I would try the dose they have suggested and then discuss finding a balance with your GP

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Started 10mg propranolol

    From experience, 10mg propranolol is nothing. I've started and stopped it a few times for both anxiety and migraines, and at no point was I ever warned to be careful about coming off. As far as I can tell, this only applies for high blood pressure, where the risks are greater and the doses are much higher.

    I did notice a couple of low-grade downsides; I learned it really messed with my sleeping, so I was offered it as a 40mg slow-release to take in the mornings, which worked nicely. I also noticed cold extremities, but that was only a minor nuisance.
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