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Thread: Help clot lungs worry 35 weeks pregnant

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Help clot lungs worry 35 weeks pregnant

    Im 35 nearly 36 weeks pregnant .. 3 weeks ago I was tested for breathlessness, fast heart beat and palps they checked for DVT by ultrasound on legs , lung X ray, echocardiogram, lung perfusion scan to rule out any problems with heart or clot on lungs all come back normal luckily. Then a few nights ago I woke up with leg and calf pain if went when I got up but I stupidly googled and come up with DVT and clots so I have panicked everyday ... Queue the next day calling the doctor and she said doesn't sound alarming as not red or swollen or serve pain.. this was all the left leg and then later in the day my right thigh and calf started hurting I called the doctor back yet again and she wasn't concerend said same thing. Then Saturday my right calf conviently was hurting and my knee ... And I come obsessed with checking it .. But today does feel better but today I feel a bit short of breath/ tight chested which is how I felt when I was checked only 3 weeks ago .. ive spent the day googling and panicking... I am now so sure I have a clot and im panicking I am scared .. I plan on going to gp tomorrow and I don't feel tight chested all day so not sure how much is in my head 😥😥😭😭I can't get a grip of this fear. Please help.. really I think I can breath and only right chested if not I would be up a &e.

    Do I go back to doctors tomorrow ? How would I know if this is anxiety? My scans where clear 3 weeks ago!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Help clot lungs worry 35 weeks pregnant

    You re nearly 36 weeks pregnant! That baby has to fit somewhere and is squashing upwards against the diaphragm, stomach and lungs etc. Also, if you are someone who is carrying the baby 'high' (don't ask me how high is high LOL) and it hasn't yet dropped, then it could be even more pronounced. Feeling breathless in the last trimester is fairly common. Your body is changing SO much, and how you were before pregnancy clearly isn't how you are in the final trimester....extra load on your heart pumping for the baby too, extra weight possibly as well ? Now......I am presuming that you had basic stats like BP, blood test (anaemia) and stuff done ? Should you go back to the doctor, yes I probably would say to, only because you really don't want to be stressed and anxious a few weeks (possibly even less!) before giving birth. Everything last time was totally fine, and it sounds like they took really good care of you and did many checks as they should in your late pregnancy, but there is no harm in your GP reassuring you at this time one more time. Have you tried adjusting your posture to ensure maximum lung ability ?

    Edited to add - the fact that the left calf/knee pain, then became the right, is a pretty good sign isn't it really - one DVT....mehhhhhh......two DVTS....Nahhhhhhh

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Help clot lungs worry 35 weeks pregnant

    Thanks for your reply ... I have had alllll the tests .. blood pressure is fine. My pulse is fast but only when I go near the hospital it seems! It just seems it's one thing after another ATM and this fear is so overwhelming. I think the doctors must think im insane I will go back to them to discuss but I panic they will send me up the hospital. But can't win do I want the tests do I not..I only had it a few weeks ago. I can't wait for this fear to be gone. I always knew this would be a worry for me even before I was pregnant because I remember reading a story about someone dying of it a day of having baby. ...just so tired of this fear.. like early I felt right chested ate and it went and I think it wouldn't go eating.. xx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Help clot lungs worry 35 weeks pregnant

    like early I felt right chested ate and it went and I think it wouldn't go eating
    What is right chested ? Ohhhhh tight ?

    I can clearly remember some of the very odd feelings I had when in late pregnancy - having permanent indigestion, squished feeling intestine and painful trapped wind, odd shooting pains down my whatsit lol, awful nightime hip and thigh pain - things which have not happened since. Its a bit of a nightmare for someone HA isn;t it lol
    Last edited by Carys; 17-03-19 at 20:01.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Help clot lungs worry 35 weeks pregnant

    Sorry I meant I felt tight chested .. ate some food and it went away but I didn't think it would go eating. Xx

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Help clot lungs worry 35 weeks pregnant

    Such a nightmare! Feel too in tune with my body tbh. Just need a break from it all. I find out my c section date Wednesday and I can not wait for it to be here! Xx

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Help clot lungs worry 35 weeks pregnant

    Oooo an elective CS (or maybe not?), what if you go into labour earlier? Would it just be done as a matter of course ?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Help clot lungs worry 35 weeks pregnant

    I hated being pregnant. I felt like I couldn't breath for most of the third trimester because of all the pressure from the baby. Everything you're experiencing sounds normal. Everything hurt, legs, hips, back, feet. You're almost to the end!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Help clot lungs worry 35 weeks pregnant

    Quote Originally Posted by Carys View Post
    Oooo an elective CS (or maybe not?), what if you go into labour earlier? Would it just be done as a matter of course ?

    Yep an elective section had a horrible time with my son and theatre so consultant thinks best idea also baby is pretty big as I have gestational diabetes. I believe they do it that day asap but in hoping I'll get full clarification on Wednesday. Xx

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Help clot lungs worry 35 weeks pregnant

    Quote Originally Posted by Carys View Post
    Oooo an elective CS (or maybe not?), what if you go into labour earlier? Would it just be done as a matter of course ?
    Quote Originally Posted by ErinKC View Post
    I hated being pregnant. I felt like I couldn't breath for most of the third trimester because of all the pressure from the baby. Everything you're experiencing sounds normal. Everything hurt, legs, hips, back, feet. You're almost to the end!
    I called doctor today and tbh he wouldn't even see me said nothing sounds alarming and sounds very normal and he doesn't think anything has been missed. He thinks anxiety is the problem .. I also saw midwife who said same thing and about start sertaline.

    Thanks Erin I don't remember being this worked up
    In pregnancy with my son (5 years ago) but I guess it's easily forgettable. I keep getting a fluttering in right hand side of my chest and he said about andrenaline and needing to relax. But my midwife thinks I should start sertaline ..which I don't know about. X as

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