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Thread: duloxetine

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: duloxetine

    Sarah, Im really pleased to see that you are doing well on the Duloxetine. Hope all well at uni.

    I'm afraid my experience with Duloxetine isn't a glowing report either - I'm very much on a similar par with Joy as to progress.

    I have been on the medication for over six months. The medication does not allow me to sleep at night. I can be as tired as a dog (even more tired in fact!) - but when the old head hits the pillow it's time to wake up! This is so frustrating - and actually very upsetting. The body is very tired and weary but the mind is not!

    When I do finally go off to sleep at night (about two hours after having put my head on the pillow) I wake at least three times in the night to wee!!! However, this is NOTHING to do with the Duloxetine my shrink advises.

    In the morning I feel hungover, weak, lifeless, and not ready to start my day! Unfortunately though, I have to. I'm a stay at home wife thank the lord but stillhave to work hard indoors. By 1 o'clock my little eyes just will not stay open and I feel as if I have climbed Everest - I slump on the sofa and usually have an hour's sleep - which is never enough. I told the shrink I have to nap in the afternoon because I don't sleep at night and she said sympathetically "well you have to get your sleep some time". Good job I don't work innit.

    The Dulox, for me, has been an up and down med. Goodish weeks, bad weeks, and terrible weeks. Sometimes I feel it's helping the anx but then when I am challenged by something I really am scared of I am a quivering wreck again. So it's not great for anxiety in my book.

    My depression is a lot better than it was - however the lack of sleep makes me feel so so low. I am no longer in a black hole with no hope for the future and I don't sit crying all day. However, I still have had days when I really want to weep on this med but hold it in so as not to upset the family.

    Three weeks ago my shrink upped the dosage from 60mg to 90. I was hoping she would change the med but no..... she felt that because I had tried two ssris and one tricyclic that didn't help (post Seroxat) that ..... This Is As Good As It Gets. Thank you so much Doctor - so what you are really saying is that this is how Im going to feel for the rest of my life even with meds.

    The first week following increase to 90 I felt good. Great even (for me anyway) - the anxiety even seemed so much better. I was thinking to myself how good the old shrink is and she did after all know better than me - and this med does work better at higher dosages.

    Unfortunately the second week I went down with a bad cold virus - mood was low and I felt ill naturally. Second week, cold still hanging on but oh side effects too. Muzzy head, tremors, sweats, blurred vision, and ..... WORSE INSOMNIA!

    Oh Dear... This is the beginning of my third week and my cold is still very much with me. Been to docs today and have been told its a very nasty virus and can hang on for ages - or it can go and then come back.

    I feel so weak. lifeless and dopey - this is not just the cold virus, this is dulox increase of dosage effects and the virus. I blame t he latter for how I feel to be quite honest , and that is... quite honestly ... like a zombie. My mood is low. If anyone so much as tells me my hair is a mess I will cry!!!

    Is this right three weeks into increase to 90???

    Love to all
    Colchester Essex

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: duloxetine

    my story is much the same as Yvonne except I've had good weeks before it crashed even managed a short holiday and enjoyed Xmas but havent been steady since.Waiting to see a shrink as the GP doesnt know what else to try but after Yvonne experience nor do they!!!

    think carefully before you try Duloxetine


  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: duloxetine

    Hi Joy and Yvonne,

    Sorry to hear you haven't been having a good time on Cymbalta. Yvonne-since it's causing such bad side effects, I'm surprised your doc wanted to try a higher dose. If I were you, I'd speak out and tell her how awful it's making you feel. Have either of you asked to be referred for CBT? While meds aid recovery, I think it's best to tackle the source of these problems head on and try to change our thought patterns, rather than just masking the symptoms.
    Although sadly, duloxetine hasn't really worked for you, that doesn't mean it's not a decent drug. Unfortunately, with anti-depressants, they do different things for different people, so what suits one may not suit another, and sometimes you have to try several before you find the best for you....

    Take Care both of you,
    I'll be thinking of you

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: duloxetine

    Hi Sarah

    It's just an up and down thing mate. To be honest I have felt worse on other meds and I think this one has probably been the best of the bunch since I came off Seroxat. I think this is why t he shrink is keeping me on it. At least my depression has lifted a lot.

    I've had cbt in the past, I do know a lot about it and have studied and know how to deal with negative thoughts and about challenging etc. I have also tried mindfulness which a lot of psychologists are erring towards now. Mindfulness is just feeling the feelings and letting them pass over you - trying not to take much notice of them! (lol). It's all good stuff but it don't always work.

    Anyway thanks for replying Sarah and I hope youre doing alright.

    Colchester Essex

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