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Thread: Electro convulsive Therapy

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Electro convulsive Therapy

    Hi its me again
    I was also wondering if anybody had had ECT treatment..some say it can be very effective in stopping the fear/ panic cycle, and enable you by erasing shorterm memory, to forget the fear. I have only been ill for 3 months but am considering already. I know its usually a 'last resort' thing, but the last psychiatrist I saw said he would be prepared to give me a course. I think because my anxiety and fear have been relatively recent, maybe the loss of short term memory would erase tje initial fear that brought on the cycle?? Sounds scary, but I have talked to Nurses wh say it imuch more gentle than it used to be, the old images of ppeople jerking and convulsing,just doesn't happen. You have a mild twitching. Of course I am not a psychiatrist and would not advocate this for anyone else. Although I'm a psychiatric nurse I'm strictly speaking about my own situation, and was just hoping for some ideas?
    Kind regards

    Hayley x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Hayley

    I don't personally have any experience of ECT but we did look at it on my psychology degree I am doing. It was described to us a last resort for people who had severe depression and had tried EVERY drug and EVERY therapy to manage it. I know that nowadays people are given muscle relaxants so it's not as violent as in the past but it was still presented to us as something with potentially severe side effects, including as you mentioned loss of short term memory. I don't think (correct me if I am wrong) that it is designed to give you short term memory loss - this is a side effect which they see as negative. As far as I thought no-one actually knows why it is effective in treating depression. It also worries me that your psychiatrist is willing to try such a risky technique after only 3 months of illness

    If you are considering such as drastic move as this have you not considered maybe trying anti-depressants and a course of CBT first. The anti-depressant Cipralex completely stopped my panic and fear when I took it last year and although there are side effects I believe them to be minor when compared to the potential loss of short term memory!

    You'll find many people here with good advice to get over the panic/fear cycle without the use of any medication at all so please think long and hard before resorting to such drastic measures

    Take care


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I agree with Emily - it sounds too soon to be trying such drastic treatment. I am sure Radar will add her comments when she sees the posts.

    I would be worried about the memory loss - that would be terrible to get.

    Please think about it further before you do anything.


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Dear Hayley,

    I completely concur with all the advice above.

    ECT is usually only considered as a 4th line treatment...because of its limited success rate, the side effects and risks involved.
    To even consider it for panic and anxiety after 3 months I feel IMHO is far too soon, bad practice and totally contrary to the NICE guidelines.

    It's also used mainly for nonfunctionalpeople who have re-ocurring unipolar depression rather than anxiety. You say you're out taking children to school- you sound far too well to even be having the ECT conversation.

    What medications have you been offered ? Most SSRI's can take up to 6-8 weeks to fully kick in.
    What therapy have you been offered ? ie CBT or similar

    You say 'the last psychiatrist you saw'. How many have you seen in 3 months and are they referrals from GP as opposed to people you work with ?

    I guess the question is, what's been going on with you that may have had something to do with starting you off and what measures are you currently doing to help yourself through it ??

    I know how hard it is to have worked in a speciality area and then become a patient there. What role have you been working in recently ?

    Keep in touch and let us know how you are.


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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    hya hayley,
    ime surprised to hear that a doctor has agreed to this agressive type of treatment,specially as you have had this problem just three months.
    the thoughts behind ecg,are out of my area of medicine,so i will leave it to radar to explain...all i will say,is think very hard before you go down this wishes...bryan.

  6. #6
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    I don't profess to be any kind of specialist, and ECT seems very drastic, but because I've seen, and looked after so many people with mental health problems, I believe a lot of their symptoms have been caused by their medication itself...I still believe we need to block out the part of our mind that initiates the fear..we could forget what happeneend initially and start afresh..I am presently taking 20mg of citalopram, mane' 3 x Librium max per day and zopiclone at night if I don't sleep..I also drink a bottle of wine per night, which I know is counterproductive, but its the only release I get with my husband and children..we have such a"perfect" life , if only people knew
    how hard this is...I know it looks as though I need to wait..I think the more we suffer , the hard it is to recover?

    Hayley x

  7. #7
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    ECT sounds drastic, but I want to 'nip this in the bud'...I think I have enough experience to think I know what I need (probably i'm wrong)..Citalopram 20mg mane' Librium up to 8 a day!! i NEVER TAKE MORE THAN 3..trazodone at night plus 2 Silnocht (Zolpidem)
    I just think that ECT Is better and more effective than any program or therapy, or medication

    Hayley x

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I don't take any medication Hayley - it made me feel worse :-(

    I would look into it carefully before doing it - please !


  9. #9
    Join Date
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    hi hayley

    come into the chatroom and talk to us if your still online

    you might be judging ECT as more effective than medication, theraphy or programs but why not try the support of other people first.

    wishing you well andrew

  10. #10
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