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Thread: Stupid chest pain!

  1. #1

    Unhappy Stupid chest pain!

    Hi all, its been a long while since i posted as things have been all good. Then outta the blue before christmas i started getting this horrible chest pain mainly on my left hand side. Its an internal pain so i visted the Dr, he did my blood pressure and its fine, listened to my heart and sounded fine. To put my mind at ease had my cholesteral checked and its 3 so fine. Im 24 female, non smoker, not really a drinker, averge weight and height.
    So the pain went away when i stopped worrying, now it seems to be back! Ive just moved house so have been moving loads of heavy stuff about and since then it seems to be back :-( its got me really worried that my heart is playing up or something. I did some tidying yesterday and lifted a few chairs and my whole chest started to really hurt, scary!
    Can anyone put my mind at ease?

    Much love
    Becky x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: Stupid chest pain!

    Hi Becky,

    The first thing I thought when I read your post was muscle pain. The fact that it hurts more when doing physical tasks makes me think it's muscular rather than heart problems???

    K xx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Stupid chest pain!

    Hi Becky,

    sorry to hear your not doing too good, sounds to me you have muscle pains due to lifting all that funiture your lifting, using muscles you dont normally use, press your chest wall and if it's sore, then its your muscles that hurt. takes time to heal.

    If it were chest pain, my gp told me it would be constant and not go away. and the pain would go down your left arm too.

    Hope this helps, and hope you feel better soon.


    All things are possible.

  4. #4

    Re: Stupid chest pain!

    Hi guys, i cant find a point where it hurts when i press it? Also when they originally started i had just got a new job as a nanny and i have to lift a 2.5stone child in and out of my car lots in a day, thought maybe this had contributed? I get so scared, i watched my dad die of a heart attack when i was 16 and i dont think this helps me much :-(

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Stupid chest pain!

    Quote Originally Posted by lemonlightbeck View Post
    Hi guys, i cant find a point where it hurts when i press it? Also when they originally started i had just got a new job as a nanny and i have to lift a 2.5stone child in and out of my car lots in a day, thought maybe this had contributed? I get so scared, i watched my dad die of a heart attack when i was 16 and i dont think this helps me much :-(
    Hi Becky,

    sorry for not being much help, I dont know what else to say, I hope you feel better soon. maybe you could go to your gp and talk about how your feeling.

    All things are possible.

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