Hi - just to say hello and introduce myself. I am 34 years old - have a lovely daughter and partner and live in Wales. I have had various degrees of anxiety / panic over the past 8 years and have more of a social anxiety now. In short - I am getting married in 8 weeks and it has just hit me what I have to do (not the marrying part but the social part). I am petrified of walking down the aisle and standing up and saying my vows. I seem to have a chip in my head telling me that I will work myself up into a state and either pass out or throw up on the big day! I know its ridiculous but I'm sure sufferers will understand the power of the mind working against you! Friends have told me to have a good drink beforehand or 'pop a pill' but I want to try and remember the day. So any tips would be wonderful - I think with me its a confidence thing - if I could feel and more over 'believe' in the confidence then that would go a long way but negativity is always stronger.
Anyhow - hello again and help would be great!