Hi Everyone

I've just come back from Mallorca on holiday and my Health Anxiety is the worst I've ever known it to be.

I'm not eating, sleeping, have a pounding headache, can' stop crying etc, it's just awful, I really feel like I'm going mad.

Whilst I was on holiday I'm panicking that I've contracted Rabies.

I have't been bitten or scratched by anything and some of you will probably think the same as my husband that I'm completely mad, but I am absolutely worried sick.

We visited some caves in Mallorca and whilst waiting to go in some water dripped on my hand. I looked down and saw a little puddle along with lots of others and my husband laughed and said look out for the puddles and don't stand over them as you will get wet!

Anyway I sprayed my hands with anti bacterial spray and in doing so noticed I had a tiny cut on my hand probably more caused by dry skin rather than an actual cut but the anti bacterial spray caused it to sting a bit.

So ever since then I've been worried about what dripped on me, my husband says it's just water and alll caves do it as they are mosit but I'm thinking what if it was bat urine or saliva and it's got into this cut?

I am going out of my mind, I've tried googling and obviously the symptoms I'm having are early symptoms or Rabies, I also found articles about people who work in caves contracting rabies from bats because of the aerosol effect of the bats urine/saliva.

I don't know what to do, my husband is trying to reassure me unsuccesfully and has said these people who caught rabies work in caves all the time with bats and thousands of them. He has also said what dripped on me was water and it's not like we just wandered into caves we discovered unaccompanied. He said it was an organised trip, thousands of people go every week and the caves had no sign of any bats they were well lit and had obviously been renovated as they had a proper floor inside and steps etc, which he is trying to reassure me is completely different to just wandering into bat infested caves unaccompainied. He also said if there was a Rabies risk to the public they wouldn't let them go in.

I'm sorry this post is so long but I truly am going insane, I rang my mum in the middle of the night crying cos I couldnt sleep and she pretty much said the same as my husband , she also said all my symptoms are far more likely to be because of anxiety rather than rabies, she also said I need to see my doctor because last night she thought I was having a panic attack.

I don't know what to do, what hasn't helped is I stopped taking my meds a couple of months ago as I thoughy my HA was under control but now it's back with a vengence. My other issue is if I ring my doctor what can he do, if I've started showing symptoms they can't treat it anyway

I realise this is a very long post and would be greatful if anyone can offer any advice on this.

thanks x