I have had anxiety/panic for 14 years, there were times it didn't bother me and times I was house-bound. I was on Fluvoxamine a number of years ago and have since not been on any medication. In the last 6 months I have developed a fear of having an allergic reaction to something...anything. I lost 20 pounds because I was convinced my throat would close from something I ate. I have never had allergies of any kind and do not know where this came from. Confusing. Anyway, it started a huge downhill spiral. I have started to eat more but am living in fear of everything it seems. It's out of control. I am not fond of using medication but realize that I need help beyond what I can give myself and this is affecting my life in every way, not to mention my overwhelming terror of having a reaction to the meds. I went to one doctor for a prescription for Ativan (knowing I was too scared to take it even though I have before) and she told me I should think about Cipralex. I have since gotten Cipralex and was instructed to take 10mg to start and go back to see the doctor in 2 weeks. It has sat in my drawer now for a month, haunting me. Majority of what I have read about it has been negative, very scary side effects.I know everyone reacts differently and I will have to take it to find out but has anyone had a positive experience with Cipralex? I need some encouragement to start taking these pills, I feel I need the help of medication at this point as my meditation, breathing excersises, and fitness are just not cutting it any more. I need to get my life back. I need to get myself back.