I'm new here so firstly, helloo!

I'm only 16 but over the past 3-4 months i've suddenly developed agoraphobia. It all started in January when i was working too hard through the cold weeks and not resting enough. i came down with viruses and my anxiety levels were up 24/7. I spent a load of time in my house and before I knew it i just couldn't get out at all. My legs feel weak and limp, my head is foggy, I'm always on edge and i'm stuck in my house.

This has completely taken over my life. I've stopped contacting anyone on the outside world, I just sit at home all day. It's my summer holidays so I should be out with my friends but I can't get out, it's too overwhelming. I spend each day on the internet or reading because I can't do anything else, even the shower is intimidating.

There are some things I wanted to ask like-minded people:

-do you feel physically weak when you're outside?
-do your eyes find it hard to focus when you're in a panic; do they glaze over?
-do you depend on others for everyday things like going to buy food?
-do you get overwhelmed easily?
-do you feel hopeless and feel like everything is pointless?

I'm quite depressed and would love to hear from anyone in a similar position.
