Hi, this is my first post on the forums. I have suffered with severe anxiety most (if not all) of my life which in some instances had overlapped into depression.

A couple of months back I plucked up the courage to finally see my doctor about this and I was given 20mg of Citalopram, but after hearing pretty bad things in the news and from people I know (and also the internet...) about it, I didn't take it. Today I went back and my doctor has given me 20mg of Fluoxetine and I am determined to take it this time.

Just wondering if there's any tips you guys could give me, or even possible warnings of things to look out for? I'm a first time user of antidepressants and I am really scared of having an adverse reaction (although I get the feeling Citalopram is a lot more "dangerous" in the side effects department?)

Planning on taking my first tablet tonight after my tea - is this a good idea? Also, I'd just like to hear some positive/success stories, to make sure I don't back out and freak out about it again! Thanks in advance x