Hi everyone i'm Claire.

I have been in a relationship with my girlfriend for 5 years now and sometimes, she likes to have a laugh. For instance, she will pretend to be a character. This evening she played "dead" and I was tickling her and trying to make her move - this was fine, I can handle this and I did find it funny.

Then she carried it on upstairs pretending to be a zombie and saying "get down stairs now". She got really repetative and it started to annoy me and I asked her to stop. It then started to freak me out a bit and I asked her to stop. She gets really persistant because 'she's having fun'. I threw a bottle of water over her and she laughed but then got back into character.. following me around the house. I started shouting asking her to stop and she wouldn't so I got really angry and hit her arm and she still carried on. My intentions were to tell her i don't find this funny. I then shouted again and sat on the floor and cried and my hands were shaking.

I don't know why but this scares me. I start to believe she is someone else, because she MAKES me believe this with her actions.

I told her this was not normal behaviour and she said some harsh things and i need to get a grip and shes having a laugh and if she can't do that with her girlfriend blah blah blah....

I only think jokes are funny when you are both laughing, when one person isn't then it no longer is a joke. I always feel like she pushes the boundaries. She once hid my phone ALL day and wouldn't give it me back, because to her it was a joke. I got really wound up and angry/crying and she still wouldn't give it me. I don't get it? Her mum is the same though, she pushes boundaries - with me also. So she gets it from her.

Advice please? Oh and if I talk to her or try... she will just tell me I'm being stupid.