Hi everyone

I have never wrote in anything like this before but I really hope that someone can help me because I am literally going to go mental!

I have been with my boyfriend for 6 months and I know he is the 'one' and I absolutely love him with all my heart and (luckily!) he feels the same.

But for some reason whenever I am not with him (we are doing long distance of 2.5 hours which I know isn't long compared to what some people do..) I have a real phobia that something will happen to him..

Like if he takes a while to text or call back I imagine something bad has happened, or when he is coming up to see me I worry he will be in a crash, if he gets tired I worry something is seriously wrong, when he goes for a run or to the gym I worry he will have a heart attack.

I know it sounds REALLY stupid but does anyone have any advice? Does anyone ever feel like this?

Please help me!

(I am 30, my dad died of cancer when I was 9..so I have already experienced death of a loved one and I dunno if this is connected to my current feelings)

Any advice would be great. Thank you

Pip xxxx