Day 38 (5 weeks 3 days) update 5.10pm

Time for some citalopram Banter or Citalibanter as I like to call it....well enough is enough people and I cant take this ANYMORE!

Action has to be taken, I have made a drs appointment for Monday Morning and tonight I am going to start taking 10mg instead of 20mg, my noraml dr (Dr Nice) told me start doing that if my side effects were still bad at 4 weeks, well I have given them an extra week and a half and they are still tormenting me badly so Im going to do down in dosage.

THEN....when I see the dr on Monday, Dr Nasty as Dr Nice is on holiday (and I agree with Merlin this was probably because she was tipped off I was coming heehee) Im going to speak to her about putting me on Escitalopram instead, Laura and Serenitie have both advocated it and Im inclined to believe them.

Who knows, maybe just by reducing my dose to 10mg I may feel an improvement but I simply cant carry on like this, my mood has lifted now as it does in the afternoon and Im not anxious at all, In fact I feel quite jolly, hey, maybe somethings kicking in you never know but Im certainly up for some citalibanter with anyone who fancies it, but I think its because I have made that decision and I feel like I have a little more control over whats happening to me.

Dont get me wrong, Im not happy, Im as miserable as can be but perhaps escitalopram is the answer, I will get some 5mg diaz to help me through the first couple of weeks, although perhaps after taking the Citalopram for so long before starting esc it may ease the way, kinda like having your second child!

Of course I would prefer a general anesthestic for a couple of weeks, but I dont think you can get that on prescription even with a prepayment card (thanks sparkle for the advice though. xx)

So I give you leave ladies and gentlemen I can hear my hubby arriving home with my angel!