Hi everyone,

I've been posting quite a lot for the past week. My health anxiety seems to suddenly come back last Monday night, when after sitting down for a few hours my calf suddenly went numb and swollen, I spent most of the night looking up DVT on the internet, went to see my GP the next day, and he said it didn't look like a clot to him, and to go back in a few days.

Just my GP merely mentioning a clot had me worked up all day, and I eventually had a panic attack so I went to A+E. They did a d dimer test and it came back normal apparently, so they sent me home, every day since I've been a bit paranoid with my left leg, trying to keep it straight all the time, and elevated too.

Since then I've had panic attacks thinking I've got one of stomach/pancreatic/liver/bowel cancer. And today again the DVT symptoms are taking priority in my mind, my left cal is really burning up tonight, and is VERY swollen, and there is pain in the middle of it going up to behind my knee.

I know I've already had a blood test for it, and that it came back OK but I'm still really worried the test might be wrong (it's only right 95% of the time) and because my symptoms are so bad I'm panicking again.

I really don't want to have to go to A+E again, I went last Tuesday with my leg pain, and yesterday when I felt very dizzy. I think if I turn up again now, I'll be turned away. :-(

Sorry everyone for the long post, and sorry for keep posting ever few minutes, it's just that this site is the only thing stopping me going mental at the moment.