My anxiety symptoms have been crap the last couple of weeks but I turned a corner yesterday and started feeling better. I also go on holiday in 2 weeks and I'm really looking forward to it - I need it.

However..... I got home from work last night to find a letter summoning me for jury service in October , initially for 2 weeks but could be more! I know it has to be done but it's a huge inconvenience and I'm starting to feel anxious and getting a headache! I don't know if I'll get paid whilst I'm off work and I can't speak to my personnel manager until Friday, I'm thinking about my workload being covered when I'm off, if I'll actually get selected and if I do what sort of trial is it going to be! I'm trying to tell myself to just accept it for what it is and worry about all those things when/if they happen.... yeh right! Sorry - just needed to rant!