so fed up and low tonight, not like me. I have been diagnosed as having a social anxiety disorder but with 3 children and a couple of hobbies from home, I dont spend all day feeling low. Tonight is terrible tho. Ive finally been assigned a 'therapist' who comes to my GPs surgery once a week. On the first appointment she said I can cure my disorder by reading a book from the library and said my culture is to blame. I actually wonder why the NHS is wasting money on this woman? Shes from Afghanistan but I would NEVER bring her culture into it out of respect! I asked 'Why doesnt EVERYONE of my culture have my problems then?'. Obviously she couldnt answer that. In case anyones wondering Im Romany gypsy, Im proud of my culture and its damn hard when people get us mixed up with 'travellers' who con people and rip people off etc. But why should I have to justify myself? I do suffer from anxiety and dread taking my daughters to school.....but my sisters and cousins certainly dont have this prob, so I dont think culture is to blame (I told her this). On the 2nd appointment she started by saying 'So we've decided that your culture is to blame for your problems....' I couldnt believe it!!!!!