hi. last few days i have been in melt down with anxiety witch has left mr feeling right down in the dumps.it starts for the moment i wake up sensations in stomach, heaving cold feeling. this has a knock on effect to me eating the thought of food makes me not want it even more, its becoming a battle
its like when i do decide to eat its as though i am making myself and i dont want it really but know i must ive hardly eaten the last few days.

i have suffered from chronic anxiety for over 30 years on and off and to this day dont have a reason why.
do we have to have a reason?

it got to the point on thurs I was ready to admit myself to physc hospital my thought were going everywhere well out of control to the point i thought i would be better in hosp. but deep down i know i would of hated in there they would prob just drug me up!!

anybody been on a phyc ward? make me come to my senses please as i think this all the time its so real going into hosp!!!

how do you cope not eating?
irrational thought

any tips would help greatly you think \i would know all this I prob do but in mist of things forget
have do you fill your days, as i dont work i have to think of things to do to fill me day and this a be a nightmare as well

thanks for reading xx