So today my Dad was discharged from hospital, my husband started his new job (so we have a proper income for the first time since June), and I managed to eat most of a proper meal (since Dad was admitted I've pretty much survived on a cereal bar mid-morning, Lucozade, with a half dozen bites or so of dinner). For the first time since the morning when Dad was admitted (when I woke up feeling great, and soon had the wind knocked out of my sails) I feel cautiously optimistic.

This has made me think: is tomorrow the day to knuckle down and sort out this anxiety, properly?

I have to go out to the Dr tomorrow to pick up a prescription and ask a few questions about my dad's discharge follow-up, so I'm going to try to do it without getting anxious about crossing the main road (in case I get delayed crossing back and panic before I can get back to "my" side), or about having to wait for my prescription to be filled. I'm also going to try to have either breakfast, or lunch (or both) as well as dinner.

These are my aims, and I'm going to try to achieve them using what I've read so far in CBT4Panic (which I'll try to read more of over the coming days while my husband is at work).

If it doesn't work I will try not to beat myself up, and the next day I'll try smaller steps.

Wish me luck?