Thank You Kitti, I am gonna start up again on Wednesday as I have an important meeting on Tuesday lunch time but then absolutley nothing planned afterwards. I can stay with my parents a bit longer too until I start to feel a lot better (hopefully). I'm so glad Ven seems to be helping you loads, Dave from the crisis team did say it's an absolutley brilliant AD and they often give it to people who have failed on Mirtazapine and who are real sensitive to SSRI's like Citalopram. If only my doctors would just help me with a bit more diazepam until I am through the start up and W.D from Mirt. I'll beg her again tomorrow, ha ha
Just a question Ven experts . Do the SE's get worse every day until they peak or do they hit you almost right away as I can live with how I felt when I did take it the other day. I'm not bothered about any of the list of effects, it's just when it lists heightened anxiety that always scares me to death after always having worse panic attacks whenever I went on Citalopram!
That's how I always knew I was getting better on Citalopram though Kitti, I'd still have anxiety in the morning but usually it had gone by the time I got back from taking my little boy to school and then I'd be ok the rest of the day until I started waking up feeling perfect!