hi everyone
went into town this morning...felt okay not too panicky...actually felt a little normal...was fine in the first shop i went into paid for my things then decided to go into boots(usually i can only handle 1 shop then i have to get home fast as possible)..as soon as i walked in i could feel myself tensing up but i stuck it out...still the panic started to build i got my things then stood in the mile long que..i felt so agitated thought i was gonna faint as usual...what i couldnt help noticing was how everyone else was calm and still while i was there dancing about(cant keep still when panicky)i just kept thinking i wished yhis bl***y cashier would hurry up or else im gonna collapse or something...
i was thinking i must have looked a fool hopping from one foot to the other...still i didnt do too bad managed 3 shops today... i used to enjoy shopping ... now it fills me with dread...must keep pushing myself though otherwise i will probably end up agrophobic!!!!