I started having panic attacks 7 years ago. I had been through a tough time. Ive tried everything to help myself but nothing seemed to work. Ive tried herbal remedies to tablets from the doctors. I stopped going out incase i had a panic attack in a shop. Especially in a supermarket. My doctor once told me not to worry if i was out as if i had my baby with me and say i fainted some-one would look after my baby, which made me worse. Then i started getting them at home which made me scared to be left on my own. Then one day during an attack a doctor told my partner to give me a glass of wine to calm me down, which i did and it worked.
I then made a stupid dicison to use alcohol every-day which i now depend on so i don't ever feel scared and i can go out and try and lead a normal life. But at the end of the day that isn't happening.
I don't get drunk as i know when to stop. The last time i was drunk was twelve years ago.
I just want a normal life back i've been told i need to really see a physcotherapist to get to the root of the problem then stop the wine. I wish so much this dream could come true but every-time i go to the doctors i hit a brick wall.
I can get treatment at 150pounds an hour which i really want but its the money. I want to know if anyone out there has been through the same thing and has over come it. If anyone has any advice it would be very much appriciated.