I'm a regular poster in the health anxiety forum but I feel strongly enough about this to post in this section. I'm nto sure if it's right but I saw other people talking about themselves so I felt it right to air this once.

I used to think I was a decent looking chap because, as I'm sure all parents do, my parents told me I was.

Then I got self-conscious about my crooked teeth. I suffered for about 18 months, during which time I also noticed my nose is generously sized. While not massive, it's hardly a model's nose.

Last October I cracked and asked my mum for braces. She said of course and wanted to make me happy, and the next mont they went in. I have ceramics that are so unnoticeable one of my friends didn't notice them til last week.

Unfortuantely, a few weeks later I noticed a new source of shame. I jaw is tilted, or crooked, whatever. Thanks to years of **** teeth the joints have become compressed so now I look utterly stupid. My self-consciousness about my nose evapourated as soon as I made this discovery.

It's not that obvious in the mirror, which surely must be an accurate portrayal of how people will perceive me. Unfortunartely, in photos it's extremely obvious.

My self-esteem is nearly zero as I'm sure everyone I meet notices immediately. I'm sure it puts girls off too. I'm 19 in a couple of months and I've never had a girlfriend; in fact I've never kissed a girl. There are 5 year olds who have had more action than me.

The amazing thing is the first thing my orthodontist did was X-ray and photograph my jaw, then conclude it was fine there and then and set about arranging my braces. I always hated my smile but couldn't put my finger on why mine never looked quite right. The eyes of the beholder have a funny way of imaginging perfection and concealing the flaws of their owner.

Does anyone else have a wonky jaw and do they have any encouraging stories they could share? I need this, I'm crying about it as I type.