hi all thought it might help to get some thoughts down here rather than having them cluttering my head!

So, one of the hardest things I'm finding in my recovery from a mix of panic/GAD is not being able to tell the difference between when I'm really ill or if I'm just presenting anxiety symptoms.
Sometimes I can know yes this is just anxiety I might be feeling a little stomach churning/butterflies etc etc but it's just anxiety and will pass.
Other times however I get nausea, stomach pain, headache/unsteadyness and I think 'oh no this might be the start of norovirus/food poisoning/a bad IBS attack'.
I feel like this today and part of me is saying it's just because my Mum's away and got a new job starting soon so of course I'm going to be feeling more anxious and my body is reacting but then that other rotten part is still there too with the negative 'ah but WHAT IF it's not just anxiety like that last time you got ill and were throwing up and had to stay in bed for a week remember how awful it was and how much it hurt? and you've got your induction on Wed you'll have to ring and they'll not want to hire you anymore'
aaahh it really does help writing out your thoughts I feel better already actually being able to read that negative voice it's like a devil on my shoulder!