Firstly I'm very sorry as I know there are hundreds of 'coming off' threads and I am sure I started one not too long ago myself but I am really struggling.

I have been on Citalopram for 10 years! 20mg. Since I was 18. It is well and truely in my system. I have forgotten what it's like not to be on them.

I know some people say they feel no problems when coming off but I am really really feeling it. This is physical too, not just increased anxiety.

I tapered from 20 to 10. Then I have been cutting my 10s in half to make a crude 5mg. Then I started taking them every 2 or 3 days.

I can't do any more than that! This is my 5th attempt of not taking anything for 5 days and I can't do it! I can't function. But I can't taper down any more!! The doctor already told me that 10 is a low dose.

I have severe 'brain zaps'. I am constantly tired. Can't sleep at night. Feel dizzy. Don't feel comfortable leaving the house. Can't socialise. Feel extremely low.
Several times I have had to leave what I am doing and go back home (shopping etc).
I haven't yet got to the 6th day without having to take another tablet (or half tablet).
I have never felt this way in my life, not even before I took the tablets. I have been feeling fine on the tablets in the last few years so thought it was time to start coming off.

I feel trapped! I don't want to keep taking them! If someone told me this was going to happen then I would of never taken them!!

I would go to the doctor but I'm scared to leave the house. Really don't know what to do. This is happening every time I try to stop!

Please help!