Hello everyone. I just joined this ,and i would like to post some of the conditions that are easily manageable but can put people on the scare ,and induce the panic attacks. Maybe some of you ,and many others who ask "dr. Google" can find this and get some help from it.

GERD (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disorder)

GERD is a common disorder that happends to all of us at some point in our lives. Many continue having it ,and because it mimics a lot of other disorders a lot of people get into panic because of it's simptomes.

GERD usually maifests like this : - sour taste in mouth in the morning
- pain or/and burning sensation in the chest
- burping ,belching ,bloating
- difficulty swallowing
- dry cough
- nausea and vomiting
- palpitations
- shorthness of breath

As it's name implies this disorder has to do with the acid fluids known as the " gastric juice" flowing back thru our esophagus and sometimes back into our mouths. This happends because by many causes (not to mention here) ,the sphincter (lock) between our esophagus and stomach is not proper closed or worse ,wide open.

The problem with anxiety is that it mimics really good heart conditions ,and many people end up in the ER ,having a EKG ,echocardiogram ,rule out any heart condition ,sent back home...feel bad again ,panic again ,go back to the ER ,and so on. May doctors skip the GERD diagnosis if the pacient does not mention "heartburn" in his set of simptomes ,wich happends to many, btw.
So ,if any of you had heart conditions ruled out but your chest pain ,and palpitations still occur ,maybe would be a good ideea to check for GERD. You GP will know what to do.

Hiatus (hiatal) hernia

Similar to GERD ,usually because of GERD , a hiatus hernia means that a portion of your stomach had slided thru your thoracic cavity. This happends because the sphincter known as cardia between your stomach and your esophagus is too loose and permits your stomach to go up on the thorax.

A Hiatus hernia may act like this - all GERD symptomes
- sensation of full after a small meal
- pain in the chest ,near the neck base
- bad mouth taste
- ESV's (Ventricular extrasystoles - skipped heartbeats)
- shallow breathing

A hiatus hernia means that something foreign to your thorax finds itself there. This means pressure. Pressure on the lung ,so you don't breath so good. Pressure on your Vagus nerve ,wich can give you skipped hearbeats ,pressure on your esophagus that you don't swallow so good ,and so on.
It's a much more common condition that it's admitted ,because the only ways to determine a correct diagnosis is by doing a barium X-ray or a Endoscopy. Both are specific investigations are usually a GP does not reccomend them. You need to be seen by a Gastroentherologist in order to take them.
BUT ,our modern way of eating all the time, sitting at your desk all day or driving your car ,obesity especially abdominal obesity ,our defecation technique (yes ,sitting on the toilet is wrong ,we are designed to sh*t like we do in the woods ,that's the proper way to do it) ,GERD ,spicy food ,and abdominal excecise (yes ,getting a 6-pac can give you a hiatus hernia) ,all theese are common causes ,and i bet 1 in 2 people with GERD have some degree of a hiatus hernia) ,and 1 in 5 people between 20 and 35 do have some degree of GERD.

Similar to GERD ,this condition mimics a lot of heart conditions. The problem with it is that GERD medication (usually omeprazole) does not make it go away ,and if you ruled out heart conditions and had been diagnosed with GERD but the medication is not helping much ,it might be a good ideea to ask your GP about a hiatus hernia.
The main issue with this conditon is that mostly ,the only repair can be made thru surgery ,but it's a easy one ,and the results are stunning.

Ok ,this is all for today. If feedback is constructive ,i will point out more conditions that can give you panic attacks ,even tho they are easily manageable. Take care everyone ,and excuse my poor english ,this is not my mother tongue.