Hi Samantha what you have described sounds exactly how I felt when I left my anxiety get so bad, I was having what I thought were strange thoughts and petrified of them. I was sitting at work questioning how all the computers could all be connected to once server because I couldnt see any wires, and random things like that. Alot of what if's etc etc. I was convincing myself I was mad. At the time I never had the internet at home and convinced myself I must have some terrible psychotic illness. I too took Diazepam it does calm you down but it does wear off and its not for long term. In the end what worked for me honestly was Cipralex (Escitalopram) that was after first taking Citalopram which just heightened everything 100 x worse to the point where I begged my mother to stay off work with me because I was frightened of being alone (aged 26) and also could not sleep on my own. I felt that Cipralex worked for me and quite quickly, first of all my sleep and appetite started to come back then gradually feeling better and getting myself informed on anxiety and how to try and control it. I hope that you are ok and dont be too hard on yourself.