Hi all

A few years ago i had a week and a half of anxiety brought on by toothache. This was severe anxiety and panic attacks which occurred frequently. The reason for it sounds silly but at the time i felt horrendous because i felt like i couldn't escape the pain in my mouth. Even after the problem is fixed i am still now scared to death of the dentist and of getting toothache again. I lost over a stone in that week, i didn't want to eat and was constantly retching, feeling faint and weak, had waves of panic flowing over me all the time. I couldn't sleep, i had nightmares, was in cold sweats and was too frightened to be alone. I didn't work and after things finally 'sort of' calmed down i couldn't leave my house for a while.
All this brought on by a panic attack at the dentist in the middle of a root canal.

I understand therefore that panic attacks are a catch 22 and getting them over one silly thing can cause re-occurant problems.

On Saturday the weekend just gone, i went out and went a bit overboard on my drinking and had a lot of vodka with red ball.
(I have cut down a lot on drinking as i know how much it affects anxiety but decided to let my hair down on this occasion)

Anyway - a hangover ensued and then 6 panic attacks came one after the other.
The reason? I thought a hair was stuck in my throat.
I know this isn't the case (or i don't think it is) but my stupid brain has decided to latch onto that reason and use it as an excuse to panic. I am scared TO DEATH that i will now be panicking over this and a phobia will develop. I know in my own brain that this is nothing to be worried about but the panic isn't stopping. I keep trying to take my mind off it but whenever i get that feeling of dread and think about what's bothering me the panic starts all over again.

I don't know what to do. I am off work today because the unexpected panic yesterday has made me exhausted, weak and given me a thumping headache. I thought i would be OK today but i keep thinking about my throat and the panic starts again.

Can someone reassure me this is nothing to worry about? I know it's the alcohol and my stupid choice of mixer that has brought this panic on. This is the first time i have felt like this since the last time two years ago. I am still not over what happened that time!
I can't let it happen again. I couldn't go through with it again

Please help me or reassure me, Thank you