Day 46: Slept in this morning until 9 am. For someone who is used to getting up for work everyday at 5:15 am, sleeping in until 9 is huge on a weekend. Got up, ate a bowl of cereal and took my 5 mg of Cipralex. I looked out the window and it was snowing lightly outside. Spent the early part of my morning cleaning up the house. Then at noon my wife and i took both kids to their skating lessons. When we got home my wife dumped the kids and i off and went shopping. We starting decorating our house for Christmas last week but didn't finish it all, so i decided to continue it today. The tree was half done, so i finished it. I had the Christmas music on, and i slowly took my time finishing the decorating around the house. The house looks great now and i enjoyed every minute of doing it. Had this been last year, i would have rushed through it just to get it over with, or not participated in decorating at all. I am a homebody, i love being home and i am always working on some type of project to improve my house. I felt no anxiety at all today, nothing. I am sitting in my bed typing this about to turn off the light for the night. I feel my eyes getting heavy... but what a great day i had today. To all those people struggling i pray things get better for you. Hang in there.

Take care and good night.
