Just realised how dirty our house is I work 8-5 Monday- thurs 8-1 fri so don't get time to deep clean unless free on weekends which is filled by errands and stuff as parents don't do much they don't clean either except dishes how ever the bathroom and toiler are gross dusty dirty etc next week I'm taking one evening out to do both the oven and fridge are gross to will do them when I finish work for Xmas but so scared we will have rats and catch an illness from it . Bro and dad will wee on the floor and just leave it sitting their for me to wipe up etc I've told them of they can't aim they should sit but they still do it ... I'm really worried ill fall ill from this crap hole of a house also mum doesn't laundry and doesn't let me do it so theirs stacks of it in the kitchen just building up and up from months ago ... I'm to scared to do anywhere other than my room or the lounge or dads room as its just a tip