wasnt sure where to put this post?
only putting here as this is the meds im on at mo (havent been on any since march) but i dont think it is these meds, i just dont know.
havent been on here for few weeks which just isnt me.... even when i tell myself i need a break i cant but i just havent been on.

still off work :(

basically when was in work last it was first day id gone back.... at end of day i just burst out crying for no reason when no one was around (i never cry around ppl), someone at work saw me and just couldnt stop and couldnt stop all night, cried for 13 hours non stop, slept for an hour then woke up.....

.............. since waking up i have had no emotions/feelings.....
the only feeling/sensation i had is when i need toilet, i usually comfort eat and eat secretly and eat loads when ppl are not about, prob why im so fat, but i havent felt the need to eat, my body hasnt told me when im hungry, lost a stone in last 4 days (but that fine as need to loose about 8 stone anyway so that isnt a worry.
felt nothing, trying everything, for first week and bit i just slept (obviously needed it after about 7 hours sleep in a whole month for the last month and been up at 5 everyday and not been in house till bout 10pm or after.
tried everything.... the things that normally give me some kind of emotion,feeling...... even to extreme of pinks songs which have alot of meaning and emotion and nothing.
so at mo it like a waiting game each day waking up and hoping il feel something.... but gosh how long do i wish and hope for.......
thats all for now.
some replies would be much appreciated.