My GP offered me diazepam but only for 5 days. I refused as I said there would be little point as the anxiety would hit again afterwards.

I'm suffering extreme anxiety, panic, insomnia, weak limbs, feeling sick, social anxiety, agoraphobia.... After my brother attacked me in September my anxiety hit and I've been in a constant state of anxiety. In the last month it's got so much worse where I now struggle to go out.

I had a reaction to an SSRI drug 8 years ago, my GP says we as limited with meds. I've explained that I don't feel depressed although this constant state of anxiety is bringing me down alot, I want my life back! He suggested the trycilcic med I was on 8 years ago, Dosulepin, but admitted GPS don't like to prescribe it as it has a high risk of causing heart disease, this has put me off. I went back Monday and he had nothing else to suggest as apparently I'm too sensitive to medication.

I'd like to try diazepam, my mum said it worked wonders for her but my question is, can you take it for longer than 5 days? Why can't you take it long term for anxiety if it works?