Quote Originally Posted by blueangel View Post
I think part of the problem is just that it's all a really bad time of year. Think about it:

* First of all we are bombarded with expectations about how this Christmas should be the "best one ever" (in every shop and magazine!).

* Then we get all the family stuff, which in itself can be stressful as you are cooped up with people for a lot longer than normal

* Christmas and New Year occur in the northern hemisphere when there is very little daylight, and often poor weather

* Many things shut down for a week, and so there aren't the normal distractions of everyday life as everything is in suspended animation.

It's no wonder people find it all difficult to cope with!!
Very true, November/December were dark depressing months, but the lights and decorations and with Christmas coming and the excitement that goes with that I for one was on a high and anxiety never raised its head. The bang its over in a flash and its back down to earth with a thump. I was in the mall today and Santa grotto was still there, it made me rather sad to be honest, a few weeks ago it was all lit up and alive with activity full of children looking to see Santa, now its just sitting there looking out of place, all the fun is over for another year and me personally I can't think of any positives for Jan or Feb for that matter, March spring is on the way but even that doesn't excite me to much either.