Hi guys. Bit of background first!
Am 28, great level of fitness, good weight, eat very healthy, don't touch alcohol, caffeine, drugs etc. Sleep well. Am back on 20mg of Citalopram for anxiety disorder which has been with me since I was 6. It's been well under control, so much so, that I slowly took myself off the tablets back in October. Things got progressively worse however and my main symptom I was feeling was very strong heart palps and fluttery ectopic. Infact, I just had one as I typed the word ectopic!
Been getting them a few times a day but today was the worst. Having flutter after flutter after flutter. This got me very worried so I thought as I'm local to a very large hospital with A and E department, I popped down there.
Very scary!! Got triaged, had my blood pressure, pulse done. All fine. Slow pulse of 56bpm. BP was a bit on the high side but I assumed that as I was in hospital.

Sods law is that as soon as my name was called, despite being more nervous than anything, I had no flutter ectopic palpation. Had an ECG and that was all normal. Blood tests came back fine, although I expected that as the bloods they are are called Treponin which is a marker of whether or not someone has had a heart attack.

Walking back home then I experienced more flutters, got home and experienced more. I was told to see my GP and arrange to get a 24 hour heart moniter.

They are really scary, probably more so that anxiety as its heart related, but they appear to be perfectly normal. So if anyone does decide to do what I did, this is more than likely going to be the outcome. Obviously if you experience chest pain and dizzyness with it then go immediately, but otherwise it's probably anxiety related.

So i'm back home in the same condition as I left in, except I now have a bruise on my arm where my bloods were taken.